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Facing Fears When One Lacks Direction

Catherine Therese

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Catherine Therese

I'm rather a fan of the West Wing episode where Leo quotes this prayer to the President. 



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That's a tough position to be in, Catherine Therese... I find it helpful to have a "live in the moment" mentality, and just take each day as it comes. Do what you can/should for each day, and try to enjoy where you are. It will pass eventually! I also love the Thomas Merton prayer :)

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Catherine Therese

So I opened up the book of Joshua last night, during the time I had set aside to sit with Scripture and pray awhile... and couldn't help noticing that in the first chapter alone, the exhortation to "Be strong and of good courage" was used not less than FOUR TIMES. In one chapter. 


One of those times was to say this:


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for The Lord your God is with you wherever you go."


Given those fears expressed in my OP, it was almost like this was directly aimed at me! Just wanted to share... and I hope that if others have been experiencing similar fears, they also find comfort in these words from God!

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Curiousing- Question...with all you're Academia background etc...what type of "NUN" are you discerning/attracted to be??? A teaching sister/Community??

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