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St. Francis Coming Out Of Nowhere


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He did, on Friday. They put a San Damiano cross on the steps going up to the... er... elevated platform at the front of the church, for the prayer service. Has anyone else had him show up randomly?

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Well, he was almost my confirmation saint, for what that's worth. It was him or St. Therese, and someone said I should choose one of the same gender as myself for whatever reason.

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Well, he was almost my confirmation saint, for what that's worth. It was him or St. Therese, and someone said I should choose one of the same gender as myself for whatever reason.


xD He probably considers himself your patron too, albeit unofficially.


Semi-related: when I was confirmed, I chose St. Francis, and mom chose St. Elizabeth of Hungary. During the confirmation where you are named, Father Steve got us mixed up, and he looked at me and said, "Elizabeth..." and his face went to "Craaaaaaappppp" and I was trying soooo hard not to laugh xD So technically, I guess, I have St. Elizabeth on board with me too :p

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Credo in Deum

Yeah well I have an uncle named Francis, I was born on his feast day, and I have a relic of St. Francis.  


I WIN! :)

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I have a son-in-law named Frank (German equivalent of Francis) a daughter named Frances and I am a Secular Franciscan.  I have a San Damiano cross next to me as I type.


So there!

Edited by Perigrina
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Credo in Deum

I have a son-in-law named Frank (German equivalent of Francis) a daughter named Frances and I am a Secular Franciscan.  I have a San Damiano cross next to me as I type.


So there!


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He pops up a lot! And so does St. Therese. They kind of scare me, but not really. Yeah know what I mean?

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The San Damiano cross showed up at a Greek Orthodox Church I attended.


It was like he was saying "NOOOOO DON'TGO I WUB YOU also I have chocolate"

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St Frances can be kind of a stalker, kind of like St Therese.  In a very good way, of course.  


I don't know about him, but she and St. Bernadette are usually together. Pretty sure they're bff's or something in heaven. Because while I was learning about St. Bernadette, St. Therese came hopping along with her roses and stuff.


Like mean girls. And I'm the new girl.


"Get in loser, we're going to Mass"

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