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Charismatic Catholics Prayer Is More Like A Samba School


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Does finding samba annoying make one a introvert?


We must do an experiment to find out.  Everyone should watch this video and say whether it annoys them.



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Credo in Deum

I'm an introvert and I find samba to be nice, however, when it comes to the liturgy I do not find the samba approach to be appropriate. Do we samba, raise and sway our hands in the air, or speak loudly during perpetual adoration? Why is it during holy hour we recognize that the appropriate behavior is one of solemn reverence, but during the liturgy this understanding seems to fly out the window and become replaced with the "if I'm not moving around, raising my hands, shaking my neighbors hand, or clapping, etc., then I cannot be said to be participating in the worship of God?" When you are silent during holy hour are you not participating in adoration?

It's like we're afraid of silence.

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This is the legitimate diversity thing again. This is not a style of worship that I am comfortable with, so I do not want to do it myself.  But, if the Church allows it, then I should be respectful and supportive of the people who do want to do it.


I know that there are people who feel just as uncomfortable with the Traditional Latin Mass as I do with charismatic worship, so it is pretty clear to me that I have to treat people the way that I want to be treated.


:/ Maybe. It just makes me feel uncomfortable. 

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The closest I've come to charismatic Catholicism is a Youth 2000 retreat (arms raised, very happy-clappy, but not charismatic in the strict sense). It isn't my cup of tea, but to each his own - I know people who go to the charismatic New Dawn conferences at Walsingham (a medieval Marian shrine) and I respect them very much as devout and loving people.

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