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Charismatic Catholics Prayer Is More Like A Samba School


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Actually I think it is more because of a lack of formation. 


I remember there was something called a "Life in the Spirit Seminar" for teaching people involved in the movement.  Would you say it has the purpose of formation?

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No ... Life in the Spirit seminar is not a "formation".  It is more of a Kerygmatic retreat ... i.e. a "1st announcement", conversion experience.


The renewal has opportunities for formation, sometimes at the diocesan level, but at least at the Regional.  And there are even opportunities for formation at the National and International level.

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"Back at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, I had no time for" charismatics, the pope told reporters on the plane returning from Rio July 28. "Once, speaking about them, I said: 'These people confuse a liturgical celebration with samba lessons!'"

"Now I regret it," he said. "Now I think that this movement does much good for the church, overall."

"I don't think that the charismatic renewal movement merely prevents people from passing over to Pentecostal denominations," Pope Francis said. "No! It is also a service to the church herself! It renews us."

"The movements are necessary, the movements are a grace of the Spirit," the pope added, speaking of ecclesial movements in general. "Everyone seeks his own movement, according to his own charism, where the Holy Spirit draws him or her."

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I'm tired, what are you getting at ADD?

Even the pope is annoyed by charismatics, it's funny
It makes him sound a little more human Edited by add
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Even the pope is annoyed by charismatics, it's funny
It makes him sound a little more human


I did not see him saying that he is annoyed by them.

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Here's some worship from a Catholic Charismatic Convention. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFG9Mz2VgNA
I personally don't like this type of worship, and I have some issues with slaying in the spirit, speaking in tongues and other positions on the gifts that often go with it. I basically don't hold to these views, I'm basically a cessationist. Nevertheless i've met some very spirit filled and loving (and faithful) charismatic Catholics.

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I can't stand that. I mean, yes, the worship is for God, not us, but there's a freaking limit.


I don't even like it when people lift their hands during the Our Father <_<


Maybe it's the introvert in me. Meh.

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Credo in Deum

I can't stand that. I mean, yes, the worship is for God, not us, but there's a freaking limit.

I don't even like it when people lift their hands during the Our Father <_<

Maybe it's the introvert in me. Meh.

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I did not see him saying that he is annoyed by them.

Samba is annoying, therefore Edited by add
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I can't stand that. I mean, yes, the worship is for God, not us, but there's a freaking limit.


I don't even like it when people lift their hands during the Our Father <_<


Maybe it's the introvert in me. Meh.


This is the legitimate diversity thing again. This is not a style of worship that I am comfortable with, so I do not want to do it myself.  But, if the Church allows it, then I should be respectful and supportive of the people who do want to do it.


I know that there are people who feel just as uncomfortable with the Traditional Latin Mass as I do with charismatic worship, so it is pretty clear to me that I have to treat people the way that I want to be treated.

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Samba is annoying, therefore


I wouldn't put it past Pope Francis to like Samba.  He is obviously an extrovert.  They are capable of anything.

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