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Charismatic Catholics Prayer Is More Like A Samba School


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Pope Francis told the crowd that when he was Buenos Aires archbishop, at first he didn't "share" the way the exuberant charismatic Catholics prayed there. `'I thought you were more like a samba school," the pope said, drawing laughter.





Do you agree or disagree?


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Pope Francis told the crowd that when he was Buenos Aires archbishop, at first he didn't "share" the way the exuberant charismatic Catholics prayed there. `'I thought you were more like a samba school," the pope said, drawing laughter.





Do you agree or disagree?

I agree the Pope said that.

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Many years ago, when I was in my late teens and an Evangelical Fundamentalist Protestant, a friend told me about a Catholic charismatic prayer meeting she attended and invited me to join her.  I went out of curiosity.  About the only thing I remember about it was that I was sitting next to a good looking young man.  (I dare say that I remember this because I ended up marrying him.)  I must have liked it somewhat (or maybe it was the young man) because I kept going back.


In my Protestant days, I went to the sort of church where they said that Catholics were not really Christians and gave out Chick tracts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick_tract .  The people I met among the Catholic charismatics led me to question what I had been taught about Catholics.  I could see that they were in love with Jesus and really excited about him. It was never a style of worship that strongly appealed to me nor was it a good match for my personality, but it was an important step to my becoming Catholic.  Between that and the husband finding thing, I have really good associations with Catholic charismatics. 



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Sometimes I see people making fun of charismatics for the way they pray.  The Pope's samba comment was good-natured, but often it is done in a mean way.  I think that this sort of mockery is disrespectful and inappropriate.  Like any movement, charismatics have people who abuse it or take wrong views. and those are legitimate grounds for criticism, but there is no reason to be mean.

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I agree the Pope said that.


Exactly ... I agree that the Pope said that.


Look -- we've hit this topic over and over on Phatmass.  There are people on the board (myself included) who have been involved with the Charismatic Renewal.  There are people on the board who don't agree with the movement (for lack of a better term -- the Charismatic Renewal is a both/and, i.e. a movement and a bit more than that).


There are excesses in every movement ... I'm sure you will find people who are part of the Legion of Mary (for example) who take it to an extreme.  It doesn't necesarily mean that there is a problem with the Legion of Mary.


My question is ... what does another "what do you think about the Charismatic Renewal" thread serve to do?  Other than maybe make it that much more uncomfortable for those who are part of the renewal to stay on the phorum?


Food for thought.

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Something is wrong if people involved in the charismatic movement are not comfortable with the way the topic is discussed on this phorum. This movement is approved by the Church. Catholics have a right to be involved in this.

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Peregrina -- this has been discussed  debated on the phorum, in a heated manner (many, many times).  That's my main point. 

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I guess you feel worn out by it and just want to avoid the topic.

But it is not right for any of us to put our own opinions over the Church. The Charismatic Renewal is allowed. That is not up for debate.

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Mother Angelica herself was once a part of the Charismatic Renewal. There's nothing wrong with it, and it's not seem evil thing Catholics should be wary of. However, Mother Angelica left after a few years because the leaders were more focused on feelings and emotions than theology and the Church. That is a pitfall that is easy to fall into in the Charismatic Renewal, and that should be more widely discussed by Church leaders. However, I have no issue with the Renewal in itself so long as the emotions and feelings are more closely moderated.

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Nihil Obstat

I have little real issue with it as long as 'charismatic gifts' are understood and respected in continuity with Catholic Tradition. In some cases it seems to veer towards protestantism, perhaps due to over-enthusiasm or lack of proper discernment.

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I guess you feel worn out by it and just want to avoid the topic.

But it is not right for any of us to put our own opinions over the Church. The Charismatic Renewal is allowed. That is not up for debate.


Agreed :).

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I have little real issue with it as long as 'charismatic gifts' are understood and respected in continuity with Catholic Tradition. In some cases it seems to veer towards protestantism, perhaps due to over-enthusiasm or lack of proper discernment.


Actually I think it is more because of a lack of formation. 

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Nihil Obstat

Actually I think it is more because of a lack of formation. 

Probably. I would consider that falling under improper discernment. Whether it is because they cannot, do not know how, or are not willing, I do not know, but I have no doubt that formation is part of the equation.

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