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Will Transhumanism Be The Next Moral Divide?


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Tell me how it dehumanizes us. Genetic manipulation of corn doesn't make it not be corn. Cybernetic prosthesis LITERALLY already exists. I could get you examples of robotic hands and legs which have been made and which read and respond to the human nervous system. I have also seen projects in which digital cameras have been interfaced directly into the ocular nerve to replace sight in blind people. Cochlear implants are even more common and have been in use for decades. The users of such devices are not any less human because of it.


If you haven't read about the Ship of Theseus problem, I would suggest you review it and then decide if modification of the human body can make us less human. If you find that it can, then I need you to define exactly how and at what point that modification changes us into inhuman creatures.


With respect to genetic engineering, it depends how far you go with the genetic manipulation and if you are only manipulating the organism by choosing from genes naturally found within the species or if you are splicing it with genes from another species.  Regarding genetically modified foods, you do realize there have been several instances in which it was spliced with genes from another species, correct?  I am fully aware of robotic hands, robotic legs, and digital cameras for blind people.


I read the Ship of Theseus problem on wikipedia just now.  According to wiki, "Plutarch asked whether a ship which was restored by replacing each and every one of its wooden parts remained the same ship."  In the particular example given by Plutarch, my answer would be that it is a different ship.  If you replace every part of the ship, it is no longer the same ship.  Rather, it is an ultra-precise replica that was built as the original is disassembled to match accuracy.    Asking to define exactly when humanity ends is like trying to define the exact, lowest whole number temperature that could be considered hot.  Each person will give you a different answer.  On this particular issue, I would agree with the transhumanists that there is a spectrum: human, transhuman, and post-human.  A post-human, a being which is so radically different that it can no longer legitimately be considered human, has definitely left the species and is no longer part of the human race.  For example, if you have a robot with a fluid-filled glass head that contains the brain of a human (which controls the entire cybernetic unit) I would not consider that a human anymore.  I would put that in the post-human category.  If you have a really old person and they start replacing person's organs with cybernetic parts, then you have a transhuman right there.  A regular human can have things like cochlear implants and robotic arms.  Once we start getting into replacing vital organs with robotic parts, then you get into the transhuman category.  But to answer the question I know you are going to ask, people in the transhuman category are still humans with souls.


Honestly, Im not as afraid of people wanting to look like cheetahs if they so chose to, but more in the sense that while we discover the technology to tap into genetic modification for honest, medical purposes, people will likely exploit it and start saying X, Y, Z genes are superior. If you dont have them you are lesser. I dont want to build a future society where if a person does not have a particular set of genes, they are discriminated against.


Now will this happen? Maybe, maybe not. Should we halt scientific discovery out of fear of an unknown future? I dont think so. Should we be mindful, of course!


Honestly if I ever walk down the street when I'm 60 and I see people with feline phenotypes, then that is the moment when I will seriously consider setting up my own little colony/community for like-minded people.  I also agree with you that we have to worry about what the future will hold with genetics and employment.  A person with intelligence enhancements will certainly be more productive, so that is definitely something to worry about.  I disagree with you on halting scientific discovery.  Our morals have not caught up with technology and we should let that happen first.  Then, very cautiously, pursue advances in certain, very limited niches.

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What?  No references to the Borg or Cybrmen yet?


There we go, that's more like it :D



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Im not indifferent, its just not really on my radar for immediate impending doom. There are other things that are occupying my mind right now like global warming.

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