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It must be particularly difficult if one has one's heart on giving one's life to God in religious life and to be 'rejected' - although "not yet, wait for a while" with some advice tacked on is not rejection - perhaps an alteration in one's plans that perhaps might be a great disappointment and chances are this might lessen as time passes and August 2015 is drawing closer.  Quite a few of our saints have experienced rejection per se and some from religious life or the seminary at least initially, sometimes from their family and friends, peer group too.  Rejection on any level and at any time at all is an invitation to holiness depending on one's perspective and attitude and the work of Grace.

I did think the following quote from the OP was a particularly good attitude and perspective and undoubtedly a work of Grace and reveals a quite spiritually mature attitude, since all that is good has God as its origin.  Important questions posed too in that opening post.

 "God willing I will be back at Mary Help by August 2015. For now, I just need to trust God's plan for me, and thank Him for the beautiful gift He gave me iver the past 10 months. 

I was wondering if you had any advice for what comes next? How to handle the coming days and weeks?
Thanks! Please keep me in your prayers, you are in mine."




Prayers that August 2015 will roll on very quickly for you with much to keep you happily involved - and your hopes realized in August 2015.  Keep us posted.


Patron Saint of Rejection: St Louis Marie de Montfort http://www.revolutionoflove.com/faith/triumphant/st_louis_de_monfort.html - and a more in depth look at St Louis from EWTN http://www.revolutionoflove.com/faith/triumphant/st_louis_de_monfort.html

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Katie, August is the month we traditionally dedicate to Our Lady (see links to St Louis de Montfort for his great devotion to Our Lady).


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Catherine Therese

I think that the wonderful hope-giving and life-giving reality that you can take away from this, Katie, is that WE HEAL and WE GROW. 


You have said that your Community did not say "no, never" but have asked you to take some more time before returning to them. This is an acknowledgement on their part that, although they don't consider you to be ready at this point in time, they are open to the possibility that you may be ready in the future.


I HAVE known of people who have just been told "no, never;" I had a college chum who wanted to be a Dominican friar, and in the case of this friend, "no, never" was the most merciful response they could give him, because he needed to let go and get on with finding what his vocation IS, not cling to what it was not and live in regret and uncertainty. It is best for both the aspirant AND the community when this kind of thing is said directly, where the aspirant is truly unsuitable (and there can be many valid reasons for this.) Nevertheless, it doesn't sound like that's what is happening here - give thanks!! :) If you really WERE just outright unsuitable, they would have told you so. 


I don't know you, so I don't know whether it is healing, or growth, that is most needed in your case. All of us, no matter where we are, need both to some degree. For you to be in a state of readiness to formally commence religious formation, some amount of both of these things will need to occur.


Some of the others who have responded have recommended counselling and spiritual direction. I can't agree more. 

But know this - one can go to see counsellors and SDs and get absolutely NOWHERE, if they go with their mind made up, or with their heart closed. 


Once you have found someone you trust, you need to listen, and you need to have an open heart and an open mind. You need to be able to truly be honest with yourself, and truly willing to let the Lord in so that He can spark growth and heal what needs to be healed. The counsellor, the SD - even you... you're all just cooperators. It is the LORD who will do the changing in you. And He can. And if you allow it and cooperate with it, He will. 


In the meantime, do not be afraid. 
He told us: "take courage - I have conquered the world!" (Jn16:33)


Finally - give thanks even for the uncertainty of the direction in which life is presently taking you. You are out in the world again after something of a life-changing experience in the beginnings of religious life - I have been there, done that, and I know the uncertainty that this can often bring. Be grateful even for this perhaps difficult path upon which you are being led, trusting always that He does exactly what is needed for our salvation, because He wants so much for us to be intimately one with Him for eternity. If you constantly offer the Lord your trust and gratitude in prayer, then these difficulties will have no power to make you bitter. Keep living with the joy that comes of knowing the Risen Lord!! 


Know of my prayers for you!!

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