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What Does It Change In Your Life That Jesus Was Raised From The Dead?


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Assuming Jesus was raised from the dead, which is the core of Christian faith. How does that change your life, here and now? How does that inspire you when you wake up in the morning? I'm wondering this myself and I'd like to gather some testimonials. Thanks!

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The Resurrection means that God has the power to transform any evil or apparent defeat into something good.  Whatever happens, whatever things look like, I can trust God.

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if God can raise him to life, he can raise me and whoever else he wants too.


it shows the power of the gospel.


it causes me to be a better person. and sin much, much less.

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Jesus has completed His Life on earth and His Passion has passed and He is now in Glory, beyond all suffering.  If I need to imagine what His Resurrection means to my life now, I need only contemplate where I would be if The Resurrection had never taken place - and what it would mean for me in terms of His Life and His Gospel.  The Resurrection is a crown on His Life, His Death and His Gospel.

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