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Vocation From The Parents' Perspective


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Dominican Nuns Menlo Park

I have a 13 year old son whom I suspect may have a vocation to the priesthood.  Obviously, this is something that has to be worked out between him and God, but can people give me ideas on how I can foster it?  Or is praying the only thing I should do?


I think it is totally awesome that you are not only open to your son's vocation to the priesthood but also encourage it!  On behalf of us religious, Thank You!


Many times, a young person became a priest or a religious because someone say to him/her: have you ever thought of becoming a religious? I've seen a few priests and nuns who entered religious life because they were asked this same question that they didn't even think of!


It is sad that over half of the candidates who entered religious life did so without any support from family/relatives and sometimes even encountered strong oppositions.  This causes so much pain for the family.  Most people don't realize that if the parents don't teach or nurture their children to a life of service in the Church, we will continue to have religious vocation crisis!


I strongly believe your witness and that of your husband give your son the desire to serve God.  Praying the Rosary together as family really helps.  Please continue to encourage your son to be open to God's will for his life and to get involved with the youth groups or visit a religious community so as to familiar himself with religious lifestyle (it does not mean that he will have to enter the same religious community or that the priesthood is definitely for him, but the connection and witness of religious may help keep the fire of service burning in his heart :)  It may also help to give him spiritual foods such as books on saints, Mass readings and meditations for teens, etc.  These were the tools that helped me while growing up even though I never saw a religious around. :)


I will pray for you and your son! Again Thank you!  God bless you!

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Wow, I did not realize it was so common for parents to be unsupportive of a vocation.  How horrible!  I would be so pleased and excited if any of my children had a vocation to priesthood or religious life.  


Anyhow, thanks for the advice and the prayers.

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