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Mma Ufc Boxing; Are Combat Sports Immoral?

Eternal CB

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Eternal CB

I'm really into martial arts and I'm passionate about it and I've always wondered if full contact combat sports go against the will of Our Lord. Here is a list of all the things running through my mind about it:

- I enjoy watching mma or boxing fights but I sometimes feel uncomfortable because I feel like if Jesus was in the audience He probably wouldn't approve of what is going on.

- When I feel uncomfortable I visualise the devil circling the two fighters encouraging them to fight.

- I get even more confused about the morality of this issue as there are some well respected Christian (unsure if Catholic) fighters who compete in these events (eg. Jon Jones UFC light heavyweight champion; Matt Hughes former middleweight UFC champion).

- The fighters respect each other as athletes and don't intend to actually hurt each other (although there may be exceptions of course), the mindset is more of a competition focused on how well can I apply my fitness alongside the techniques I have learned on another person. 

- These fights are held essentially for audiences to serve as entertainment, but entertainment at the cost of two humans hurting each other?


Do these combat sports go against the teaching of the Church? 


If you have never seen MMA before heres a link...  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGOufgbhF6c (it can get pretty violent)


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I've been doing traditional Karate since I was 4, and these fights go against everything Martial Arts stand for. It was understood very well that you never, ever, ever got in a fight unless you absolutely had to. You never started one, and you never did one for fun. UFC and MMA go against Martial Arts, and that's because they're not Martial Arts, they're fighting moves. Martial Arts are an art because they involved philosophy and way of life. The UFC and MMA has stripped it down to simply fighting, which is something that went very against the morals of the Shaolin Monks and Karate masters.


That being said, there's nothing wrong with watching or participating in them from a non-martial arts standpoint. Just know it's not Martial Arts, it's fighting. There is a difference. I don't watch them because they continue the belief that Martial Arts are about fighting, which they are not. It's like believing in everything the Church teaches against and parading around saying you're a devout and faithful Catholic.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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Learning to defend yourself is okay, I would think. But to hurt someone without cause and in a hateful manner, would be wrong.


What do others think?

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Credo in Deum

I see things like MMA and Boxing to be sports, where two people meet in a controlled environment to test one another’s strengths and weaknesses.   If the environment of such a sport is in line with, chastity, dignity of human persons, and charity for God and ones neighbor then I do not see how it could be considered sinful.   With that said I must say I do not believe the UFC fosters this type of environment. 

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I don't see that MMA or boxing are any more immoral than any other sports.  Anyhow, I agree with FP about the distinction between watching these and practicing martial arts.  I've had children in Tae Kwan Do, Karate, and Jiu Jitsu.  I've done the first two myself.  I found it consistent with my Catholic faith.

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There have been plenty of Catholic boxers. Rocky was Catholic! In real life James Braddock (Cinderella Man) was Catholic. Some theologians think boxing could be immoral or at least not smart because of the potential for brain damage. But the same applies to football I think.

I know MMA isn't the same as boxing but the same principles apply. If you're not intending to hurt someone it's kind if in a gray area.

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At least in Chicago, the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) was a big supporter of the Golden Gloves tournament.  Until recently, the Chicago Golden Gloves bouts were held in the gym of a Catholic parish (St. Andrew), and the gym was built specifically for the purpose of having boxing and was encouraged by Bishop Sheil. 



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I trained in MMA off and on for about 4 years and had two sanctioned fights. I always liked sports but MMA was the only one that i could ever sit still and watch. I pretty much watched every single event, nothing excited me like mma did. As I grew in my relationship with God( Christian) I started to feel the holy spirit convicting me of my lust for violence...which as you see is my current stance on the topic. I used to think as long as I didn't fight with hatred in my heart then it was all good, I no longer hold this opinion. Anyone whom has ever been in a fight or been knocked in their head real hard knows how it feels, the term " getting rocked" is actually a sub concussive blow to the brain. If someone has been completely knocked out then their brain has just slammed against their skull like jello=damage. It wasn't so much the minor cuts/bruises that bothered me but this potential long term brain damage. I could no longer under good conscious put my self or others at risk for the sake of sport, which ultimately comes down to Pride...we all know how God feels about that nasty word. Check out some of chuck liddels older interviews and then some of his more recent...there is a noticeable difference in his speech. His brain has been damaged sadly..boxers call this " punch drunk" . That is my take, I know longer watch or participate . Though I am still of flesh and when I see a UfC preview or something similar it does get me tempted back to it again. Once the the holy spirit convicts you there is no denying... usually that inner feeling is right my friend

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Pretty much what FXFX said... I can't stand watching two guys inflicting irreparable brain damage on each other.

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Good point on " what would Jesus do" by the way. I have been trying to let that motto guide me. Its a simple moral question answer

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I played college rugby (not a fight sport, but recognizably aggressive) and Thai kickboxed (full contact, but sparring rather than bouts).  I stopped rugby because of a separated shoulder and minor concussion.  I stopped kickboxing because I took a Thai pad to the eyebrow and developed gut issues.  I used both as outlets.  Not because I wanted to beat on someone - I didn't - but for me channeling stress was easier in activities that wore out my body and mind at the same time.  I think it depends on motivation.  I don't believe the sports in and of themselves are immoral, but that's just my take.  People take up activities for every reason under the sun.

Edited by Nadezhda
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