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Feeling Foolish For Believing In God


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I found this question buried in a long running thread and I want to give it a thread of its own since the original discussion has moved past it.  I hope that's OK.


Question to everyone:  how do you deal with sometimes feeling "foolish" for believing in God?


Short answer:  Read The Last Superstition by Edward Feser. http://www.amazon.com/The-Last-Superstition-Refutation-Atheism/dp/1587314525


It is bit rude about Dawkins-style atheism, but it is the most entertaining philosophy book that I have ever read.  Come to think of it, that is not saying much. Anyhow, it is really funny and engaging and will reassure you that there is no reason to feel intellectually inferior to atheists.


If you don't have time for this book, spend ten minutes reading Youtube comments.


Long answer:  There is a reason you feel that way and it is not reality.  It is an assumption of our culture that is subtly disseminated in schools, entertainment media and just about everywhere.  That feeling is there because you have, in effect, been brainwashed.


It is possible to be religious in a foolish and superstitious way.  It is also possible to be an atheist in a foolish and superstitious way.  We actually see a lot of this sort of atheism in recent times, since atheism is in style now.  In many cases, atheism is like an ugly fashion accessory.  Or, often, it is seen in people who are not really very smart but would like to feel like they are smart.  Having received the same conditioning that you have, they get this feeling from claiming atheism.


I remember when atheism was not fashionable.  It was not even socially acceptable.  One did not encounter atheists very often, but the atheists that one did encounter tended to be thoughtful and highly principled people.  They paid a price for their atheism and they were worthy of respect.  Thoughtful atheists still exist, but they are often drowned out by the other kind, especially on the Internet.  I keep reminding myself of that.


Anyhow, there is nothing intrinsically foolish or superstitious about religion, particularly when it comes to Catholicism.  We have an amazing intellectual tradition that is the basis of virtually all modern knowledge.  While many people may have disowned their roots, the vast majority of science can be traced back to Catholicism.  There have also been many important and influential Catholic scientists. 


So the way to deal with feeling foolish for believing in God is to recognize that it is a feeling that is not supported by reason. 

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Credo in Deum

That book sounds very interesting.  Right now I'm trying to read "God and Intelligence" by Fulton Sheen.  So far I like it a lot.  I've also liked his "Old Errors, New Labels" book.   I pray for the day when he will become a saint.  I personally think he should be the next Doctor of the Church. 

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That book sounds very interesting.  Right now I'm trying to read "God and Intelligence" by Fulton Sheen.  So far I like it a lot.  I've also liked his "Old Errors, New Labels" book.   I pray for the day when he will become a saint.  I personally think he should be the next Doctor of the Church. 


Those Fulton Sheen books sound helpful too.  The thing that I like about Feser's book is that it explicitly addresses the "New Atheism" movement. 


From what I have seen of your sense of humour here, you would appreciate Feser's.

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Credo in Deum

Those Fulton Sheen books sound helpful too.  The thing that I like about Feser's book is that it explicitly addresses the "New Atheism" movement. 


From what I have seen of your sense of humour here, you would appreciate Feser's.


I think you would appreciate "Old Errors, New Labels".  While I am not very versed on the difference between the various schools of atheism, I have found his arguments in the book to be very relevant to the type of atheism we see today (Dawkins, etc.),



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Credo in Deum

Double post:  Click the "Look Inside" option and just read the table of contents.  The titles were enough to get me interested in that book.  Haha.  The Theism of Atheism.  Perfect Sheen style. 

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Fidei Defensor

Thank you for bringing this up again, it's been floating around my head a bit lately. 


I think the problem I have is the way the new atheists talk down to religious people. I used to be one of those "new atheists" and so I know how arrogant they can be. It just makes me feel so inferior. Which is what they want. Put the religious "in their place" and you "win." Bleh.

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Credo in Deum

That type of behavior will always be displayed towards those who carry the cross and follow Christ.  The cross is foolishness in the eyes of the world.  But we are fools for Christ. :)

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Thank you for bringing this up again, it's been floating around my head a bit lately. 


I think the problem I have is the way the new atheists talk down to religious people. I used to be one of those "new atheists" and so I know how arrogant they can be. It just makes me feel so inferior. Which is what they want. Put the religious "in their place" and you "win." Bleh.


Feser's book turns the tables on them.  I have mixed feelings about this.  Personally I prefer a respectful approach to people, but it seems fitting to give Dawkins et al. what they have been dishing out.  He mocks and ridicules them the way that they have done to Christians.


There is a lot of intellectual meat to the book too.  He explains why theism is the most sensible position from a philosophical perspective.  But he throws in quite a few comments about how the New Atheists obviously do not understand the classical arguments, along with statements that this shows the atheists are not really very bright. I think that this might help you on the emotional level. 

It is probably a good idea to build up your intellectual foundation too.  It sounds like the books that Credo has recommended would be good for that and this is also a large part of Feser's book.


Feser is a philosopher who used to be an atheist who basically thought himself in Catholicism.  This could be a perspective that could be very helpful for you. 

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Fidei Defensor

I wish I could get my hands on that book right now! Looks quite fascinating!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fidei Defensor

I just got my copy of the book in the mail today! Gonna start reading it right away!

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I just got my copy of the book in the mail today! Gonna start reading it right away!


I'm looking forward to seeing your opinion of it.

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Fidei Defensor

I'm â…“ of the way through and I'm really loving it! His humor is fantastic (in that it is the same sense of humor that I have.) It has definitely made me feel less "foolish" for believing in God!

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It's not just Christian apologists who think the New Atheism movement is appaling, a lot of Atheist thinkers agree! Richard Dawkins, for example, is a biologist, not a philosopher and even less of a theologian. He's fascinating when he talks about what he understands, and deeply irritating when he confidently makes bold claims about things he obviously doesn't.

Edited by Dr_Asik
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