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Outlawing Various Sexual Sins



24 members have voted

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Credo in Deum



I voted yes, because I believe a country which abides by God's law is a country that promotes:


1) True progress.  Sinners becoming saints.

2) True charity.  God's commandments are ones which promote genuine love of our neighbor by loving His Image in them.

3) Common sense.

4) Snack packs.  They have nothing to do with this, I just wanted to say I like them a lot.  Mmmmm, tapioca!


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I voted yes, because I believe a country which punishes some sins through acts of violence

I fixed it for ya, Adolf.

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Credo in Deum

Double Post:


Why do so many people think the request to have things outlawed = the request to also introduce a violent punishment for the offenders?  

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Double Post:


Why do so many people think the request to have things outlawed = the request to also introduce a violent punishment for the offenders?  


Because it is easier to argue with you if they set up a straw man version of your position.

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Nihil Obstat

Double Post:


Why do so many people think the request to have things outlawed = the request to also introduce a violent punishment for the offenders?  

I am interested in where you are going with this. In what way will a law, for example one which bans adultery, be enforced non-violently?

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Credo in Deum

I am interested in where you are going with this. In what way will a law, for example one which bans adultery, be enforced non-violently?


I'm still thinking of how the laws would be enforced.  Maybe through warnings, mandatory marriage counseling/workshops, fines,  etc.  

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Double Post:


Why do so many people think the request to have things outlawed = the request to also introduce a violent punishment for the offenders?  

Because there is not a single law backed by anything but force.


Read what they do to people who gamble without permission. Or sell raw milk. We think that because we don't have our heads up our asses. The government has no compunction about using ridiculous levels of violence to enforce the pettiest of laws.





I'm still thinking of how the laws would be enforced.  Maybe through warnings, mandatory marriage counseling/workshops, fines,  etc.  


"Mandatory". So how do you plan on making it mandatory? What happens when people tell the "authorities" to go screw themselves?

Edited by Winchester
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Nihil Obstat

In what ways would society change in order to accommodate a law banning masturbation? Cameras in every bedroom and bathroom? Would the Federal Adultery Prevention Police bust down some poor sap's door while he is in the middle of doing the deer? Or would they just bill him, like a $50 fine per event? And he could go fight it in sex court, right beside traffic court, swearing that he was just trying to clean it off. :P
Thomas Aquinas has something to say on the topic.


I answer that, Human government is derived from the Divine government, and should imitate it. Now although God is all-powerful and supremely good, nevertheless He allows certain evils to take place in the universe, which He might prevent, lest, without them, greater goods might be forfeited, or greater evils ensue. Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority, rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain greater evils be incurred: thus Augustine says (De Ordine ii, 4): "If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust." Hence, though unbelievers sin in their rites, they may be tolerated, either on account of some good that ensues therefrom, or because of some evil avoided. Thus from the fact that the Jews observe their rites, which, of old, foreshadowed the truth of the faith which we hold, there follows this good--that our very enemies bear witness to our faith, and that our faith is represented in a figure, so to speak. For this reason they are tolerated in the observance of their rites.

On the other hand, the rites of other unbelievers, which are neither truthful nor profitable are by no means to be tolerated, except perchance in order to avoid an evil, e.g. the scandal or disturbance that might ensue, or some hindrance to the salvation of those who if they were unmolested might gradually be converted to the faith. For this reason the Church, at times, has tolerated the rites even of heretics and pagans, when unbelievers were very numerous.

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In what ways would society change in order to accommodate a law banning masturbation? Cameras in every bedroom and bathroom? Would the Federal Adultery Prevention Police 


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Nihil Obstat

In what ways would society change in order to accommodate a law banning masturbation? Cameras in every bedroom and bathroom? Would the Federal Adultery Prevention Police bust down some poor sap's door while he is in the middle of doing the deer? Or would they just bill him, like a $50 fine per event? And he could go fight it in sex court, right beside traffic court, swearing that he was just trying to clean it off. :P

Lol, whoops. That should say "doing the deed." Heh.

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Credo in Deum

Because there is not a single law backed by anything but force.






So when has force been used to enforce these?  When would it ever be used?  There are tons of active ridiculous laws that cannot be realistically enforced.  The last one you've probably violated multiple times. 




"Mandatory". So how do you plan on making it mandatory? What happens when people tell the "authorities" to go screw themselves?


More fines my good man, more fines!


In what ways would society change in order to accommodate a law banning masturbation? Cameras in every bedroom and bathroom? Would the Federal Adultery Prevention Police bust down some poor sap's door while he is in the middle of doing the deer? Or would they just bill him, like a $50 fine per event? And he could go fight it in sex court, right beside traffic court, swearing that he was just trying to clean it off. :P

Yes, we could have agents and badges and little rape whistles.  It would at least create more jobs.  :P  Plus the shame of appearing in sex court would probably increase the chances of them not fighting the fine and actually paying up. 


FAP Police to the rescue! 






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