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Did Jesus walk up to people and act like that with people with different lifestyles and beliefs? If you dig hard enough there will be things many Catholics don't know, don't like, don't agree with or simply ignore. I'm sure some people would prefer a pure church of people who agree with them on anything and everything (if that's ever existed, let me know). But I don't think it's pragmatic or possible. Well, it is if someone wants to be the only person in their pew or would prefer to be some small sect like the Jehovah's Witnesses or Westboro Baptist! It is possible to get so obsessive with others over what they struggle with or can't accept that it gets in the way of the bigger picture.


The people with whom Our Lord dealt most harshly were hypocrites, people who pretended to be one thing while doing another.  People who call themselves Catholic while not accepting Church teaching are behaving very much like the people whom Our Lord berated and called names.  My behaviour is very mild in comparison to His and, since you have raised the question, I see that I should be being much harsher about it.


I am completely fine with people who disagree with my personal opinions.  But people who disagree with Church teaching while calling themselves Catholic are doing something very wrong.

Edited by Perigrina
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You may be being honest about your feelings, but I question how honest you are being about how you identify yourself.  If I put a Coca-Cola label on my generic cola and tried to sell it, I would probably be sued for false advertizing.  There would be a consensus that I was guilty of fraudulent and dishonest business practices.


The word Catholic means something and that meaning includes accepting Catholic doctrine.


What is wrong with you people? So you just think its cool running around labeling people as off brand Catholics? Honestly. Im not trying to sell anything. Im trying to live my life and do the best that I can. 


I dont give two poos if you think Im some off brand Catholic. Your opinion doesnt matter tp\o me but I hope that you dont treat others this way. Its pretty lame.

Edited by CrossCuT
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We need to act better and stop tearing people down. We need to help build each other up. Im not walking around telling Catholics that what I think is the right way. Not at all. I am just admitting to my feelings here as a means to understand how to cope with them. 


This is the stuff that our Papa is trying to fight against, this judgmental attitude.

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What is wrong with you people? So you just think its cool running around labeling people as off brand Catholics? Honestly. Im not trying to sell anything. Im trying to live my life and do the best that I can. 


I dont give two poos if you think Im some off brand Catholic. Your opinion doesnt matter tp\o me but I hope that you dont treat others this way. Its pretty lame.


I have been polite and respectful to you as a person.  I have, however, identified your ideas which are against Church teaching and stated that accepting Church teaching is not optional for Catholics.  I have made every effort to speak the truth in charity. 


There is not anything wrong with me.  As a person who is trained in theology, I have an even greater duty than most Catholics to speak the truth about Catholic doctrine.  It is unfortunate that you think this makes me a big meanie, but apparently it cannot be helped.

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We need to act better and stop tearing people down. We need to help build each other up. Im not walking around telling Catholics that what I think is the right way. Not at all. I am just admitting to my feelings here as a means to understand how to cope with them. 


This is the stuff that our Papa is trying to fight against, this judgmental attitude.


While the media has certainly tried to portray our current Pope as indifferent to Church doctrine, he describes himself as a faithful son of the Church who accepts her teaching.  I have said nothing that he would disagree with.

I have not judged your spiritual state.  I have not told you that you are going to hell or anything like that.  I have gently and calmly informed you that your views contradict Church teaching.

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I think it is offensive if people say things like "Why do you even go to church?" or "You must never have had any faith to begin with"


Those comments are not well meaning inquires, they are rude spiteful comments. There is an obvious difference between showing genuine concern and simply being a jerk. 


Perhaps the issue is that some of the people were genuinely concerned, but you took it as offensive?

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Credo in Deum

Perhaps the issue is that some of the people were genuinely concerned, but you took it as offensive?


Wait are we talking about the off topic issue or the on topic issue?  





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What is wrong with you people? So you just think its cool running around labeling people as off brand Catholics? Honestly. Im not trying to sell anything. Im trying to live my life and do the best that I can. 


I dont give two poos if you think Im some off brand Catholic. Your opinion doesnt matter tp\o me but I hope that you dont treat others this way. Its pretty lame.


you know what's kind of ironic though is that you're dismissive when people here say they're discriminated against because of their faith and sort of say "it's NOT that bad as being gay/black/whatever." but here I see you reacting to a person crying "hate!" and sort of blowing things out of proportion. Sometimes people on PM get a bit out of line but compared to the internet at large this is a pretty tame place IMO. You're perceiving invective and harsh criticism when it's not there.


Admonishing the sinner and instructing the ignorant are works of mercy. I guess that means I'm insinuating that you're either a sinner or ignorant but don't take offense because we all are at some point in our lives if not perpetually these things.

Edited by Ice_nine
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We need to act better and stop tearing people down. We need to help build each other up. Im not walking around telling Catholics that what I think is the right way. Not at all. I am just admitting to my feelings here as a means to understand how to cope with them. 


This is the stuff that our Papa is trying to fight against, this judgmental attitude.


I see nothing Peregrina said that was offensive or judgmental. I saw her asking a genuine question with pretty sound logic to it, and you took offense to it.

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Any chance you can condense that to three or four sentences?

It isn't that much to read, plus if I were to try to make a 3 sentence answer to such a broad topic it would come off as a very incomplete un thought out answer.

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I see nothing Peregrina said that was offensive or judgmental. I saw her asking a genuine question with pretty sound logic to it, and you took offense to it.



The problem is the debate is online, so one can easily insert a verbal tone when there is none; so when people just type, which is normal, but do not insert something like don't take this personal, or do not elaborate a thought to a degree where it can not be misconstrued to be a personal attack then it is left for the reader to figure out.  I would simply suggest everyone start making a donation to the re education of the politically correct foundation which strives to swap out sticks with cuddly teddy bears instead, just five dollars a month will help someone realize that there is no need to be politically correct. Offend everyone equally !

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