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Outlawing Various Sexual Sins



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Making laws that are not practical to enforce only brings contempt upon the law.  It would be far more useful to use popular culture to sway society toward opinions that are more in line with Catholic teaching.  Almost all media currently give the message that fornication, masturbation and homosexual behaviour are perfectly normal and acceptable.  Furthermore anyone who objects them has something very wrong with him and may rightfully be suppressed.

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Can't be pro-gay and call yourself Catholic


Actually.. My priest (FSSP) was preaching on this today. Specifically, he was teaching on how the idea of conservative and liberal Catholics, or political language, was part of the heresy of modernism creeping into Catholic life. We need to stick to the deposit of faith, in which John (I think?) would be a Catholic with heterodox beliefs.


Other terms for use in these sorts of situations are heretic and schismatic. But fundamentally, the physical aspect of the faith is tradition, therefore there is no conservative or liberal. Anyone who says otherwise is strengthening heresy.


There is one Catholic faith, and if someone chooses to embrace something that is rejected after being read in the light of the faith, why get upset? If it grows, the Holy Spirit will prune it. If the person embraces Orthodox teaching in the light of the faith, alleluia.   :saint2:

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

These things are not sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse includes a penis and vagina. Nothing more nothing less. And sexual intercourse is natural, the rest are un natural, though ones feelings may betray ones self to the otherwise.  Catholic christians should not be anti any human being. Don't try and play us as such.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Perhaps you could clarify what you mean when you say "pro-gay". That might head off the controversy.


It's like groundhog day with these threads.  How can we break the loop?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

It's like groundhog day with these threads.  How can we break the loop?



Ignore the gay debate and pray for sinners.

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Outlaw all the sins! Enact Sharia Law! Chop off the hands of all the thieves!


If we cut off the hands of thieves because they used their hands to steal, I guess that means adulterers should be really concerned.



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Fidei Defensor

Can't be pro-gay and call yourself Catholic

You certainly can be "pro" those with SSA and be Catholic. What you meant to say is "you can't condone homosexual acts and be Catholic."

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You certainly can be "pro" those with SSA and be Catholic. What you meant to say is "you can't condone homosexual acts and be Catholic."


And that's why I like the term SSA so much better than "gay".  It is so much clearer.

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You certainly can be "pro" those with SSA and be Catholic. What you meant to say is "you can't condone homosexual acts and be Catholic."


If the latter is true then the church has a painful backlog of prunning to do in the US and Europe.

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people though Marijuana would always be outlawed, and booze, at one point, the tv shows we currently have on, would back in the just the 50s alone would have caused society to have a collective stroke.  And to outlaw sexual sins is in deed very close to sharia law, first outlawing sexual laws would do absolutely nothing, I would insert a second but, no real point to go any further.


As for the brew ha ha on being homosexual, it is really old news. Plenty of Christians, who are Catholics  that are / have SSA or are " Gay " which fyi if anything there should be a vote to reinstate the word gay to mean happy, and out law rainbow flags and just in general give rainbows back to society and go make a new banner. Or perhaps I need to make a bumper sticker with a rainbow flag an next to it reads, im not " gay " I just like rainbows.  * don't take that ima patent that an make money * .   I for one do not think the Church can ever give a rational, or logical answer to why homosexuals are homosexuals, the debate will never end on choice or born that way, but weird how not many heterosexuals wake up an go ya know what, I think today is a good day to try and be a homosexual. Any beans, the guidelines are the same for heterosexuals as for homosexuals, which is in regards to sexual intercourse, for heterosexuals who are of the faith we are in theory not to engage in premarital sex, the problem is, homosexuals cant get married in the church so they will never be married in the church. Thus ones freedom to participate willingly in the Church is the question, and to abide by the faith to the best of ones ability. and congratulations to me I just wasted my breath.

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Nihil Obstat

people though Marijuana would always be outlawed, and booze, at one point, the tv shows we currently have on, would back in the just the 50s alone would have caused society to have a collective stroke.  And to outlaw sexual sins is in deed very close to sharia law, first outlawing sexual laws would do absolutely nothing, I would insert a second but, no real point to go any further.


As for the brew ha ha on being homosexual, it is really old news. Plenty of Christians, who are Catholics  that are / have SSA or are " Gay " which fyi if anything there should be a vote to reinstate the word gay to mean happy, and out law rainbow flags and just in general give rainbows back to society and go make a new banner. Or perhaps I need to make a bumper sticker with a rainbow flag an next to it reads, im not " gay " I just like rainbows.  * don't take that ima patent that an make money * .   I for one do not think the Church can ever give a rational, or logical answer to why homosexuals are homosexuals, the debate will never end on choice or born that way, but weird how not many heterosexuals wake up an go ya know what, I think today is a good day to try and be a homosexual. Any beans, the guidelines are the same for heterosexuals as for homosexuals, which is in regards to sexual intercourse, for heterosexuals who are of the faith we are in theory not to engage in premarital sex, the problem is, homosexuals cant get married in the church so they will never be married in the church. Thus ones freedom to participate willingly in the Church is the question, and to abide by the faith to the best of ones ability. and congratulations to me I just wasted my breath.

First of all, wow. I tried really hard to read all of that.


Second of all, if I am reading this correctly, you see no reason to outlaw homosexuality, but you do want to outlaw gay people using rainbows? Interesting one there.

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correcto mundo nihil ;  outlawing homosexuality is like trying to close Pandoras box, people love to debate natural law, yet can not at all even come close to identifying why some humans are homosexual, further more the goal is to bring everyone to Christ, not outcast them and penalize / criminalize them for something that might not actually be their fault to begin with, being that there is zero proof one way or the other for the cause. and I to tend to write / type a lot I could literally crank out two pages in 5 minutes flat, so what ya see is really a fraction of what i'd like to give.  chicka boom what else, yup outlaw rainbows as the symbol for homosexuals, cause we have to have some irony and sarcasim , infact a fine too, 5 bucks any homosexual waving a rainbow flag, and it goes towards the foundation for educating the politically correct to stop being politically correct .  Plus it is of no Catholics concern to preach an get in anyones face and wag a finger an go shame shame you evil homosexual you will have to answer for your sins ! Christ gave us the method and way to change lives for the better for Him, He didn't go around and criminalize sinners.


But study Sharia law long and hard, look at exactly what happens to women in particular when they are accused, tried and convicted of a sexual crime to this day, then look at how much worse a homosexual under sharia law is treated.   VS  how Christ treats sinners.

For America to follow Russia and start outlawing homosexuality would never work, it would accomplish nothing, and would only start pouring fuel onto the fire of stupidity and ignorance.


Homosexuality is not a disease it is not contagious , you cant catch the gay , and their influence on society is like anyone elses and even if you wiped all the homosexuals off the earth, it would not even make a tiny scratch on the other more greater problems that society from the top down inflicts upon the world.

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