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Pope Demands "legitimate Redistribution" Of Wealth


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You know, the guy who plays the young version of Beast in the new Xmen is kinda cute.

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Everyone harbours a vague mistrust of the faceless entity who denies us even the tiniest glimpse into his thoughts by means of a personalized avatar. It is like the guy who comes to a party and refuses to take off his coat. It is disorienting and somehow foreboding. :|


This phorum needs a proper ceremony for people choosing their avatars to show how significant it is.  Also it would be an excuse for a party.  (Not that I like parties; I'm an introvert.) 

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Nihil Obstat

This phorum needs a proper ceremony for people choosing their avatars to show how significant it is.  Also it would be an excuse for a party.  (Not that I like parties; I'm an introvert.) 

I like parties more now that I can go places with my wife. She is not precisely an extravert, but she is very friendly and talkative, so I end up interacting with people in ways that are not quite so draining.


An avatar party sounds fun though. Gives us more chances to haze the newbies.

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Credo in Deum

This phorum needs a proper ceremony for people choosing their avatars to show how significant it is.  Also it would be an excuse for a party.  (Not that I like parties; I'm an introvert.) 


This wouldn't work for me since I change mine pretty frequently.  

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This wouldn't work for me since I change mine pretty frequently.  


We would have to do something special for you.  But just reading your posts is already better than a party.

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You know, the guy who plays the young version of Beast in the new Xmen is kinda cute.



Props for posting a pic with the most face palms ive ever seen!


He is still cute though. 

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Why isnt your avatar blue?



Good point, ill change it to something with a Red color later.

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In his opinion at the time. As said before tehre were historical and social factors that motivated such a view, not all of them unwarranted. But I think he over extended his criticisms. He wanted to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I think that was a mistake, obviously. Hanging on the words and quotes of a Pope taken out of a specific time can lead to all sorts of contradictions and problems. They are relevant and should be considered, but they aren't binding scripture or dogma. 


With all due respect, as a Catholic I'm much more interested in what the Church teaches than on what you personally happen to think.


Also, to talk as though the condemnation of socialism was just some peculiar personal opinion of Pius XI at a particular time is quite simply false.


The Church has been speaking out against socialism since soon after the modern socialist movement began, beginning with Pope Pius IX in 1849, and continuing with every single Pope after him to Benedict XVI.  That's ten different Popes over a span of over 150 years!


(This page has a list of some of statements by these Popes against socialism.)


I would consider opposition to socialism a consistent teaching of the ordinary magisterium.

And note also how Pius XI begins his condemnation by speaking in the "royal we" - "We make this pronouncement . . ."  When a Pope uses this language, it means he is making a formal statement representing the teaching of the entire Church, not merely voicing his own personal opinion.




If so then the church has some explaining to do about where it stands regarding those Popes who rejected modernism.



How so?


Contrary to what some liberal theologians may try to tell you, the Church has not reversed Her opposition to the modernist heresies.  Those condemned ideas which make up modernism remain just as heretical and contrary to the Faith now as when they were first officially condemned.

Theological and moral truth does not change with the times, but remains constant.


And if you believe the Church has no actual teaching authority regarding Faith and morals, then, quite frankly, there's no sense in being Catholic.

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