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Does Anyone Know Of Any Communities In Australia?


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I would love to know of some communities in Australia since I only know a few.
I'm drawn towards communities that wear habits to be honest but don't know of many that still do.
If anyone knows any I would be interested to know or feel free to private message me.
Thanks :)

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I don't know what sort of communities you're looking for, but if you're interested in monastic life, it might be worth looking at the Benedictines of Jamberoo Abbey. I don't know them, but I think they have quite a good reputation.



(I seem to remember that they were the focus of an extended TV documentary some years ago, similar to the one done by the BBC with the Benedictines of Worth, but I can't remember more details...).


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(I seem to remember that they were the focus of an extended TV documentary some years ago, similar to the one done by the BBC with the Benedictines of Worth, but I can't remember more details...).


It was called "The Abbey".

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I don't know what sort of communities you're looking for, but if you're interested in monastic life, it might be worth looking at the Benedictines of Jamberoo Abbey. I don't know them, but I think they have quite a good reputation.

(I seem to remember that they were the focus of an extended TV documentary some years ago, similar to the one done by the BBC with the Benedictines of Worth, but I can't remember more details...).

Thanks Egeria, I checked out their website and when I get time I'll hunt down the TV documentary. Might be a good insight to life there.
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Catherine Therese
Catherine Therese

Of course, the Nashville Dominicans and the Alma Religious Sisters of Mercy both have a presence in the Sydney Archdiocese, too.

The formation occurs in the United States for both. In making a vow of obedience, you may be sent to various places around the world... a girl who went to the same school as me in Australia is the local superior in a house in the UK, and she is a Mercy sister.

Obviously, being missioned elsewhere is pending Visa limitations and so on. I know people from Australia who have joined both of these orders.

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Catherine Therese

Sorry - one more thing. Recently some Australians have entered the Sisters of Life in the United States.
It will be interesting to "watch that space" - perhaps if enough Australians enter then they might start an Australian foundation.

Ok - I'll shut up now. ;) Normally I just lurk... but I hope this all helps a little!

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Thanks heaps Catherine Therese, I'll have a look at all those links :)

Also, I have citizenship in the UK too so would consider orders there if none seem fitting here first.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I can't read the replies for some reason, the site must be under repairs or upgrades or my connection has problems. But there is a lay community called Disciples of Jesus and if your looking to discern concecrated life and want a home grown order i think st mary mackillops order is called 'the daughters of st joseph'(don't quote me on that) and than you have the 'Missionaries of Gods love'. There is also Lay Carmelites that you would have to ring up a carmelite monastery to find out what they do but there not australian grown. I don't know of any other traditional orders in my region outside of the carmelite order that has a lay order, may be different in your area. Ok hope that helps, God bless you. Onward christian souls. Jesus iz LORD.

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I met some beautiful young Dominican sisters from Australia last fall, they were from the community that is with the Nashville Dominicans.


The Community of St John is not in Australia but the brothers have a priory in Christchurch, New Zealand. There are currently two New Zealander girls in formation with the Apostolic Sisters, they both did their first year in the US before going on to the motherhouse in France.

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Spem in alium

Great suggestions above! :)

The Missionaries of Charity also have a presence here (in Sydney at least, I'm not sure of other areas).

Also, these Sisters aren't habited, but they're pretty awesome. http://www.goodsams.org.au/

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Spem in alium

I don't know what sort of communities you're looking for, but if you're interested in monastic life, it might be worth looking at the Benedictines of Jamberoo Abbey. I don't know them, but I think they have quite a good reputation.



(I seem to remember that they were the focus of an extended TV documentary some years ago, similar to the one done by the BBC with the Benedictines of Worth, but I can't remember more details...).

They have a wonderful reputation, yes :)

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