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Model, Actress, Now Sister Olalla Del Si De Maria


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Olalla Oliveros was 32 years old and at the top of his work as a model and actress, was when she met the Order of St. Michael Mandate, then his life took a new direction in the service of God.




Order of St. Michael Mandate, began in 2009 and is the latest foundation in Spain












Sister Olalla with a sister of perpetual vows and 2 postulants





Edited by ruso
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Alberto Guimaraes

Peace and Good!   :saint2: 

Lord bless you, Sister Olalla!    :pope2: 

Fraternal kiss!   :nun3: 

Br. Alberto Guimaraes OFS

Secular Franciscan Fraternity of Braga - Portugal

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Peace and Good!   :saint2: 

Lord bless you, Sister Olalla!    :pope2: 

Fraternal kiss!   :nun3: 

Br. Alberto Guimaraes OFS

Secular Franciscan Fraternity of Braga - Portugal


Brother Alberto, surely she understands Portuguese, Sor Olalla is Gallega.

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Alberto Guimaraes
Paz e Ben! :    :saint2: 
Señor te bendiga, irmá Olalla!   :pope2: 
Bico fraterno! :   :nun3: 
Hnº Alberto Guimarães OFS 
Fraternidade Franciscana Secular de Braga - Portugal 
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Sister Olalla looks so very happy in her lovely habit..............................Thank you for sharing you for sharing this link.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes. There were cult like practices including sexual abuse. I believe arrests were made. This order no longer exists. 

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I confirm. I don't know what happened to this woman, but the longer have been supressed, and the old members have been forbidden to take part in any religious activities in Spanish diocese. 

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9 hours ago, DameAgnes said:

I thought I read that this order has recently been suppressed?

See here for a detailed Spanish article on this: http://www.infovaticana.com/2014/12/02/rituales-satanicos-y-abusos-sexuales-en-la-secta-de-los-miguelianos/

and http://www.infovaticana.com/2014/12/01/el-fundador-de-orden-y-mandato-practicaba-brujeria-y-satanismo/

And here an English article, with links to more articles in English: http://www.thelocal.es/20141218/families-urge-pope-to-intervene-in-cult-case


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