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Packing Lists - What To Take When You Enter?

Sr. Dominica

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

TOJESUSMYHEART, whose list is that? It looks familiar but I can't place it.


My list was similar to AnneLine but the community had already started to become a little more realistic about what we needed to bring. When I became Novice Mistress I did a lot of eliminating. I have to admit, some of it was self-serving! If a postulant enters and leaves her bedding goes with her and the poor novice mistress never had what she needed for aspirants or nun guests.


They had taken the darning egg off the list in the mid '70's!


Our Sr. Catherine Marie (RIP) told the story of how she was to bring a blanket. Her novice mistress saw the satin and told her to take it off. Sr. Catherine Marie, who had NO SKILLS in the sewing department, started but she got about 5" when her novice mistress said, "Forget it, you'll probably not stay anyway!"

For SCM's 25th anniversary she put the blanket in the Procure with a note asking for a new one! :bounce: :hehe2:

My advice: take as little with you as possible. If you need something it can always be sent for. It's a good way to start your new life.

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TOJESUSMYHEART, whose list is that? It looks familiar but I can't place it.



It's my list for the S.V.

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TOJESUSMYHEART, whose list is that? It looks familiar but I can't place it.


My list was similar to AnneLine but the community had already started to become a little more realistic about what we needed to bring. When I became Novice Mistress I did a lot of eliminating. I have to admit, some of it was self-serving! If a postulant enters and leaves her bedding goes with her and the poor novice mistress never had what she needed for aspirants or nun guests.


They had taken the darning egg off the list in the mid '70's!


Our Sr. Catherine Marie (RIP) told the story of how she was to bring a blanket. Her novice mistress saw the satin and told her to take it off. Sr. Catherine Marie, who had NO SKILLS in the sewing department, started but she got about 5" when her novice mistress said, "Forget it, you'll probably not stay anyway!"

For SCM's 25th anniversary she put the blanket in the Procure with a note asking for a new one! :bounce: :hehe2:

My advice: take as little with you as possible. If you need something it can always be sent for. It's a good way to start your new life.


I remember going on retreat with the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus and one of the girls, who was on retreat with me, asked Sr. Mary Joseph if she could bring all her holy cards with her if she entered as she had quite a collection.  SrMJ told her that they are only allowed to bring what is on the candidacy list and that they sometimes switch cells.  Each cell has 2 patron saints so there are holy cards and pictures of the saints on the wall.  SrMJ reiterated that she did not ask to bring anything more with her because the life of a Carmelite is one of austerity.  Though they are an active/contemplative order, their foundress, Bl. Maria Teresa of St. Joseph, desired them to be true to the Carmelite rule.  It was a huge wake up call to me at the time because I had only been discerning a few months so I didn't realize that you couldn't bring anything extra with you unless it was authorized by the community.  But now, I understand why.  If we brought everything from our former life with us, what would change?

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One of my friends entered the Friars Minor last summer... and he was totally baffled by his list... which included A SLEEPING BAG!   He didn't want to do it.  I told him, you NEED TO DO it, they have reason for you to have it!   Just bring it.


He would have been VERY cold all year as they traveled him around from house to house on his Province tour.... sometimes you just don't get it.


One of the items on my list was one of those needle threading contraptions.  i coulnd't see the point - I could see to thread a needle!!!!


THEN I found out that they darned their NYLONS using unravelled old nylons.... and to use THAT thread, you DO need the needle threader!  And talk about Holy Poverty!!!!!


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OMGoodness.......now that is really taking Holy Poverty seriously!


We didn't wear stockings or socks, just sandals indoors, and Sabots (wooden clogs) for working outdoors.


The Oxfords I brought with me lasted ages cos we only used them when leaving the convent for some reason, a rare event. On those occasions we wore a pair of socks we got from the Procure. There were three pairs, sm. m and lg. After wearing them you hand washed them and put them back.


Another thing I had to get used to were pairs of foot sized flat pads - I can't remember the name of them. All the floors were polished parquet and we didn't walk, we slid about on these things. It helped keep the floor shone up and prevented marks.


Of course you can imagine what novices did.......

Some of those sliding competitions were epic.


Bruise on the nether quarters anyone?

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