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Cliven Bundy


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Despite his rather unfortunate comments about "the negro" (his words), what do you fine people think of the situation? In my mind, he knowingly broke Federal law, so he should pay back the money.


But his racist ideology and lawbreaking history aside, let's get to the real issue, here: Who the hell names their kid "Cliven"?

Edited by FuturePriest387
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Semper Catholic

Yes the unfortunate negro comments. Oh how unfortunate that this clown gets exposed for what he is. Being an old racist still makes you a racist and that kind of defines who you are and where your values really are.

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I went ahead and listened to the longer version of his rambling. He nowhere claimed that one race was superior to another, showed sympathy and agreement with the motivation behind the Watts riots, and made pro-immigrant statements in addition to rejecting the stereotype of Mexican immigrants as "lazy".


Perhaps there's a longer version of the speech?

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I went ahead and listened to the longer version of his rambling. He nowhere claimed that one race was superior to another, showed sympathy and agreement with the motivation behind the Watts riots, and made pro-immigrant statements in addition to rejecting the stereotype of Mexican immigrants as "lazy".

Perhaps there's a longer version of the speech?

I think that questioning wether black Americans weren't better off being under slavery implies something troubling about his views on race.
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I think that questioning wether black Americans weren't better off being under slavery implies something troubling about his views on race.

I thought that until I heard the larger quote. I had considered prior to that that his understanding of slavery was dismal, but now I think that's more likely the case. I'm sure he has dumb ideas about race. Most people do, even the people who have no unfavorable prejudices. I would be surprised if he were entirely free of racial prejudices. He also makes the mistake of just lumping the facets of life into schmoo. It's possible that a community could enjoy stronger familial ties when it's subject to oppression. Bundy seems to equate that as "better off" all around. Sloppy thinking is at least as likely as racism. I think his opinion says more about what he thinks of manual labor than it does about his racial beliefs.


And I was reacting more to the comment writing him off as racist than anything else.

Edited by Winchester
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The notion of "race" is a social construct that categorises based on arbitrary physical and cultural characteristics that purportedly indicate separate and unique lines of descent.

Scientifically speaking, there is only one human race, Homo Sapiens. As Christians, we consider all human beings as children of God. To maintain the belief of separate races is, by definition, racist.

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The notion of "race" is a social construct that categorises based on arbitrary physical and cultural characteristics that purportedly indicate separate and unique lines of descent.

Scientifically speaking, there is only one human race, Homo Sapiens. As Christians, we consider all human beings as children of God. To maintain the belief of separate races is, by definition, racist.


Would "ethnicity" be a better word than "race", then? Because there are obvious (physical) differences between white people, Asians, and Africans.

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The use of "Negro" must be a Nevada thing:





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Well, it is generational.  In my grandmother's day, it was polite to say 'coloured folk'.  If someone said that today, it would be...cause for eyebrow raising, at the very least.  If you learned your lingo before the Civil Rights movement of the '60s, you're going to sound like your ideas...predate the Civil Rights movement.  There are some unfortunate associations, there.  


I have not listened to either of this man's speeches (the edited-to-pull-out-the-inflamatory- bits one or the longer-in-an-attempt-to-give-context-to-something-that-is-likely-still-somewhat-inflammatory one).


But I will say that C.S. Lewis' parents named him Clive Staples Lewis.  

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Credo in Deum

I think Cliven in his stupidity was simply saying he believes African American's went from one form of slavery to another, and that this new form of slavery destroys them more than the older version.  


That's my take on his remarks.  



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The man is worth about 2 billion dollars if I am not mistaken and the fine would be like...1 million. Thats clown shoes. Im sure he would be happy to pay that.

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Semper Catholic

The man is worth about 2 billion dollars if I am not mistaken and the fine would be like...1 million. Thats clown shoes. Im sure he would be happy to pay that.

Wrong racist white guy.
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