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Discerning Franciscan Sisters Of The Immaculate

Mary Catherine

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Mary Catherine

Dear friends,


Recently I contacted their reverend mother in US, and she is 42 years young woman from Australia. Very well-educated, mild and warm-hearted. I think they are all very nice and traditional sisters. I was deeply impressed.


Also, I like their habit style very much, but I know I shouldn't apply for any convent because of color of the habit. But truly I like their marian spirituality, their apostolic work, and their stick to the church's tradition. I think they are super.


This is a thriving order with many young sisters.But their problem everyone should know.


The Friar Order linked to them was persecuted by the Holy See since last year, and TLM can only offered under special indult.


The couregous sisters insisted their right, but they were hurt as well. Now they only have one TLM each week in the diocese.


But I am afraid they will be persecuted by the church as well. And what's more, I have to go to the Philippines for formation, I am not sure if I can adapt myself to the tropical climate there.


Please pray for me so that I could see God's will on me.

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And what's more, I have to go to the Philippines for formation, I am not sure if I can adapt myself to the tropical climate there.

I thought they were Italy-based?
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Welcome to VS!


As far as what you said about the friars, I thought that the FFI were trying to keep whatever is going on (which isn't as one-sided as you said, I think) pretty quiet outside of the order. All talking about that on the internet without the full information (which I don't think is even available to us) is going to do is spread confusion.

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If you are attracted to that order, discern with them.  I know them very well and they are a lovely order.  Any order you join will face tribulations.  Two years ago no one could have imagined what is happening to some orders today.  And if your order doesn't experience some trials, you may personally go through public ones yourself.  Consider what Sr. Jane Dominic is going through.http://catholicnewsherald.com/features/local/53-news/roknewspager-local/5264-charlotte-catholic-speaker-sparks-student-petition


Edited by andibc
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ANDIBC - how awful for Sister Jane Dominic to have to ensure this. But it's even more sad that the school seems to be so long winded in the way they're dealing with the fallout from some parents. A statement of support for the nun from the school or diocese should have happened, especially given her frequency of lectures, qualifications and experience.  People may have their own opinions but what else do they expect a Catholic Nun to believe?! They freely sent their children to a Catholic school, so to then do this seems a massive cheek. :frown: Everyone concerned needs prayers for sure

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I've met a priest from the Order, as well as a brother, and if the sisters are anything like them, you should love them and discern with them.

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My brother has been around the friars and likes them. (He lives near their novitiate in the USA.)

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Mary Catherine

I thought they were Italy-based?


I am in Asia, so I have to go to the Philippines for formation.

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Mary Catherine

I've met a priest from the Order, as well as a brother, and if the sisters are anything like them, you should love them and discern with them.


Really? Thanks. But are they having NO masses now or TLMs?


Are you a seminarian?

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Mary Catherine

My brother has been around the friars and likes them. (He lives near their novitiate in the USA.)


I like them, too. :hehe2:

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Really? Thanks. But are they having NO masses now or Traditional Latin Masses?



Once things settle down they should be able to use the Extraordinary mass more freely. I don't know of any order that has been banned indefinitely from using it by the Vatican, although I guess some orders may have governed themselves to which would be typical.

I've met two priests of this order, both associated with the 'A Day with Mary' ministry, in the UK. Both very traditional, engaged and friendly. I think it will be difficult to join an order based, in part, on what mass they have. This is because this could be changed, or adapted locally, depending on the priests available to say it at the time.
I don't think there's any community I've visited where they do everything I like or think important. But it's on balance whether I could live happily there despite this. Of course I'd use my active voice to influence a change later, if possible, but it can't be guaranteed to happen. I think it's more important whether the community feels a good fit in general, and then to decide if your preferences can be put to one side if they can't be fulfilled.


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Ancilla Domini

Dear friends,


Recently I contacted their reverend mother in US, and she is 42 years young woman from Australia. Very well-educated, mild and warm-hearted. I think they are all very nice and traditional sisters. I was deeply impressed.


Also, I like their habit style very much, but I know I shouldn't apply for any convent because of color of the habit. But truly I like their marian spirituality, their apostolic work, and their stick to the church's tradition. I think they are super.


This is a thriving order with many young sisters.But their problem everyone should know.


The Friar Order linked to them was persecuted by the Holy See since last year, and Traditional Latin Mass can only offered under special indult.


The courageous sisters insisted their right, but they were hurt as well. Now they only have one Traditional Latin Mass each week in the diocese.


But I am afraid they will be persecuted by the church as well. And what's more, I have to go to the Philippines for formation, I am not sure if I can adapt myself to the tropical climate there.


Please pray for me so that I could see God's will on me.


Ave Maria!


You're in my prayers! I discerned with the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate for about a year. They are an absolutely wonderful order! I don't know about the other foundations, but I know that the sisters in the convent in Rome have found a Latin Mass they can go to that is not celebrated by their brothers. (I went to that church this year and saw about 20 of them come for Mass.)

I hope that something can be figured out for the sisters, so that they can have the Latin Mass as they previously had! I was absolutely heartbroken when I heard about the fact that the friars weren't allowed to celebrate the TLM any more. =(


God Bless!

In Corde Matris,


– Ancilla D.

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Really? Thanks. But are they having NO masses now or Traditional Latin Masses?


Are you a seminarian?


The Holy See has decided that they should have less Latin Masses and have more Ordinary Form Masses. This is within the Holy See's right, and the Franciscans of the Immaculate have been 100% cooperative, and aren't make a big deal out of it. If they're fine with it, we should be, too.


And no, but I am applying for the seminary this weekend.

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My friend has been a postulant with this order since May 31st last year.  If all goes as planned, she should be clothed in the novice habit pretty soon.  I haven't heard from her recently as she is not allowed contact with friends, only family.  I pray for her all the time and, on a picture I recently saw on Facebook (that someone else posted), she appeared incredibly happy.  She originally discerned with the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal (we attended the same discernment retreat together; that's how we met) but was unsure if God was calling her there (even after attending the pre-candidacy retreat for 2 weeks).  As she discerned further, she applied and was accepted to do a mission with Christ in the City (Colorado).  A few months later, she told me that she was leaving the program early as she had discerned, applied, and been accepted with the FSI.  Her journey was a long one but she was so happy to enter!  :)

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Mary Catherine

Ave Maria!


You're in my prayers! I discerned with the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate for about a year. They are an absolutely wonderful order! I don't know about the other foundations, but I know that the sisters in the convent in Rome have found a Latin Mass they can go to that is not celebrated by their brothers. (I went to that church this year and saw about 20 of them come for Mass.)

I hope that something can be figured out for the sisters, so that they can have the Latin Mass as they previously had! I was absolutely heartbroken when I heard about the fact that the friars weren't allowed to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass any more. =(


God Bless!

In Corde Matris,


– Ancilla D.


Dear Ancilla,


Yes, it's a very sad story. May be we can just pray for the tribulation to be over soon.


Glad to learn that you are also discerning with them. Is it possible of you to join them?


Are you entering in Rome?


You will be in my prayers from today. May God bless your dream to become a sisters!

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