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Apostolic Brothers For The Christianization And Dissemination Of Educa


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Here’s some information about a little-know congregation. Since their foundation, they’ve had an inundation of vocations. They focus on education and faith formation in the older population. Education and book publication, and of course donations, provide them remuneration. 


Their names all have the “of phrase,” but they don’t use them in conversation, with the exception of the Brothers Purification, for the sake of differentiation. The congregation uses the abbreviation ABCDE.


The classes they offer and the instructors thereof include:



-          Brother Annunciation (of the Blessed Virgin)

-          Brother Visitation (of the Blessed Virgin)

-          Brother Incarnation (of Our Lord)

-          Brother Adoration (of the Magi)

-          Brother Presentation (of the Child Jesus)

-          Brother Coronation (of Mary)

-          Brother Consolation (of the Holy Mother)

-          Brother Meditation (of the Rosary)

-          Brother Purification (of Mary)



-          Brother Temptation (of Jesus)

-          Brother Purification (of the Temple)

-          Brother Transfiguration (of the Lord )

-          Brother Multiplication (of the Loaves and Fishes) (also teaches remedial math)

-          Brother Flagellation (of Jesus)

-          Brother Immolation (of the Lamb)



-          Brother Inspiration (of the Holy Spirit)

-          Brother Proclamation (of the Gospel)

-          Brother Edification (of the Soul)

-          Brother Revelation (of the Truth)


Sacramental Theology:

-          Brother Administration (of the Sacraments)

-          Brother Salvation (of the People of God)

-          Brother Reparation (of Sins)

-          Brother Preparation (of the Gifts)

-          Brother Enculturation (of the Liturgy)

-          Brother Transubstantiation (of the Eucharist)

-          Brother Adoration (of the Eucharist)


Moral Theology:

-          Brother Abomination (in the Sight of the Lord)

-          Brother Reconciliation (of Sinners)

-          Brother Mortification (of the Flesh)

-          Brother Sanctification (of Grace)

-          Brother Justification (of Faith)


Church History:

-          Brother Donation (of Constantine)

-          Brother Translation (of the Bible)

-          Brother Evangelization (of the Nations)

-          Brother Separation (of Church and State) (teaches American Church History only)

-          Brother Canonization (of the Saints)


Canon Law:

-          Brother Codification (of the Code)



Discerners may contact Brother Vocation of the St. Matthew, ABCDE.


For application, matriculation and/or registration, contact Brother Education of the Ignorant, ABCDE. 

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I spent a good couple of minutes re-reading the first lines, going 'What the...?'

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