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Why Get Married


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southern california guy

Here is another interesting perspective I found

It seems that he is only looking at marriage from an American perspective rather than a worldwide.

And when he discussed homosexual "marriage" he did not consider that a homosexual "marriage" is an attempt to legitimize sodomy and get married benefits -- like insurance.

Still marriage is basically about having kids. But you do get rich older men marrying young women for sex. And the young women marrying the older men for money.
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Semper Catholic

Marriage is not about having kids or being "allowed by Jesus" to bone.

That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion fail. Because the person's really have no idea who they are marrying.

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Credo in Deum

Marriages steeped in the Catholic Faith, in where both parties understand that marriage is a Sacrament, can do nothing but succeed (provided they live their faith).  

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southern california guy

Marriage is not about having kids or being "allowed by Jesus" to bone.

That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion fail. Because the person's really have no idea who they are marrying.

A society is more stable when people who have sex and kids are married. Remember marriages are legal contracts that involve the government. They are more than just a commitment between two people.
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Marriage is not about having kids or being "allowed by Jesus" to bone.

That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion fail. Because the person's really have no idea who they are marrying.

Having kids is the best thing about marriage and so is mating exclusively for life
That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion last a life time. Because the two person's become one person (metaphorically) Edited by add
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Marriage is not about having kids or being "allowed by Jesus" to bone.

That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion fail. Because the person's really have no idea who they are marrying.


I find this baffling.  Is it possible that you do not know what the Church teaches about marriage?  I can explain it to you if you would like.  Do you simply not care?  Don't you believe that Church teaching is true?  Why be Catholic if one does not believe theChurch teaches the truth?


For the record, my marriage has been steeped in religion.  My husband and I have been married for 34 years.  We just renewed our vows at our last anniversary.

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It seems that he is only looking at marriage from an American perspective rather than a worldwide.

And when he discussed homosexual "marriage" he did not consider that a homosexual "marriage" is an attempt to legitimize sodomy and get married benefits -- like insurance.

Still marriage is basically about having kids. But you do get rich older men marrying young women for sex. And the young women marrying the older men for money.


Well basically what he is saying is that modern marriage is an economic agreement.

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Well basically what he is saying is that modern marriage is an economic agreement.


what about love


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it seams like most young couples today don't care or are afraid to commit.


how has birth-control damaged families and the institution of holy matrimony?

I think in part, economics comes into play, well Taxes do at least, Then if the woman has a child, and isn't married she can get help from the government to pay for some of the cost of the birth. There seems to be at least more reasons to not get married than there are too get married.


The topic of birth control seems like an entire subject altogether / but I guess it isn't society came up with an easy product to market to the public, have intercourse all you want and don't worry about getting pregnant as long as you take this magic little pill. So which is easier to a lazy society, to take a pill and have all the free love ya want.  But heck Catholics are just as responsible for the disconnect towards all of this, when we either do not speak up about the importance of such things to our elected officials, and when we are not doing anything to educate each other in our very own parishes. Sure we have programs a couple needs to go through in a parish before they get married, and there are the cute lovey dove married couples retreats. But where are the classes or talks on this topic alone? Or classes with in parishes for parents who have children how to have such a dialogue with them. A diocese may not have the funding for training and materials but  when there is not even a want for such things, when we don't even ask for help. Then we are left to turn else where for the education we need and even the financial help.

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That and if we don't remained married once in Heaven , and supposedly wont marry in Heaven if we are single/  it almost comes off as not that important in the grand scheme of things. Why have marriage in the first place, and someone comes up with to Glorify God now, and because there is no need for a family in heaven and Scripture / verse " Christ said ".   Well what Christ doesn't say is just as important as what He did say ;  If there is no need for marriage in Heaven and we wont be lonely, and God is so infinite and loving, then exactly what , or who is it going to hurt to remained married to the one you love or actually become married in heaven an have a family, if one never did on earth ?  If the purpose of marriage is to Glorify God , and serve God, why couldn't that be applied in Heaven, in prayer as a married couple / family ? We pray to the saints to help us, an in turn they help us or ask the Blessed Mother or Christ or God to help is in like.  Less we to are just figure we are no longer male or female in Heaven, which I guess not, because if we can't reproduce in heaven because we cant be married, because God just doesn't have a need for it; then what would be the purpose of having reproductive organs or the corresponding body parts in heaven ?.


Quote scripture and church teaching all you want, it isn't enough to logically answer any of this.

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Having kids is the best thing about marriage and so is mating exclusively for life
That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion last a life time. Because the two person's become one person (metaphorically)


And not just metaphorically, but in a very real mystical sense, literally.

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Marriage is not about having kids or being "allowed by Jesus" to bone.

That's the reason why so many marriages steeped in religion fail. Because the person's really have no idea who they are marrying.


I've known many married couples "steeped in religion," and at least in my experience, divorce among married Catholics who are truly serious about their Faith and living it (as opposed to persons who are only nominally Catholic) is extremely rare.  Almost all the highly-religious Catholic married couples I know are still intact, and these persons are still married to the person they first married.  This includes plenty of older couples who have been married to the same person for many decades.


I'm not exactly sure how being irreligious would make you know your future spouse any better,



Really, what's your beef with the Catholic Faith?

And, since you seem to show nothing but contempt for it in your posts, why do you identify yourself as "Catholic"?

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That and if we don't remained married once in Heaven , and supposedly wont marry in Heaven if we are single/ it almost comes off as not that important in the grand scheme of things. Why have marriage in the first place, and someone comes up with to Glorify God now, and because there is no need for a family in heaven and Scripture / verse " Christ said ". Well what Christ doesn't say is just as important as what He did say ; If there is no need for marriage in Heaven and we wont be lonely, and God is so infinite and loving, then exactly what , or who is it going to hurt to remained married to the one you love or actually become married in heaven an have a family, if one never did on earth ? If the purpose of marriage is to Glorify God , and serve God, why couldn't that be applied in Heaven, in prayer as a married couple / family ? We pray to the saints to help us, an in turn they help us or ask the Blessed Mother or Christ or God to help is in like. Less we to are just figure we are no longer male or female in Heaven, which I guess not, because if we can't reproduce in heaven because we cant be married, because God just doesn't have a need for it; then what would be the purpose of having reproductive organs or the corresponding body parts in heaven ?.

Quote scripture and church teaching all you want, it isn't enough to logically answer any of this.

Well, for one thing there's the creation of offspring here on earth. What happens in the afterlife is really a mystery. Marriage is a commandment. One does not need to be married to make a baby, however being bound by this lifetime oblagition it is clearly the best path.

Maybe the Gospel said it best John 14:15–21:

Jesus said to his disciples:

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.” Edited by add
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Semper Catholic

I've known many married couples "steeped in religion," and at least in my experience, divorce among married Catholics who are truly serious about their Faith and living it (as opposed to persons who are only nominally Catholic) is extremely rare. Almost all the highly-religious Catholic married couples I know are still intact, and these persons are still married to the person they first married. This includes plenty of older couples who have been married to the same person for many decades.

I'm not exactly sure how being irreligious would make you know your future spouse any better,

Really, what's your beef with the Catholic Faith?
And, since you seem to show nothing but contempt for it in your posts, why do you identify yourself as "Catholic"?

I have no "beef" with the faith just the many of the false prophets who now run the church and speak for it.

I firmly believe if Jesus were alive he would be ashamed of how the Church has acted almost since it's inception.

Real catholics question these false prophets, they don't propagate their message.
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