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Why Get Married


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This seems relevant to this conversation:.  




I do not necessarily agree with their approach to this conversation, focusing on the 'marriage market' as an economic exchange, but there is some food for thought in there.  


Ah this video has popped up before and its just a load of BS.

We have debated it here in a previous thread...not sure where it is now...maybe someone who is savvy with searching and remembers the title can find it?

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Why are you skeptical of it?  From what you have posted about yourself so far, you don't have any known canonical impediments.


Because of my so called "commercial attitude" towards relationships and because I would be willing to end the marriage for reasons other than abuse or abandonment (I don't remember if abandonment was the 2nd one, but I remember there being two reasons that are "legitimate" in the church's eyes).  If it started looking anything like the relationship between my parents, yeah......

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 like a fair and equal v-card trade and good mental health.




Good luck with that

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The birth control pill destroyed the selfless act of marriage and procreation and turned this sacred covenant into a convenient living arrangement for two separate people.



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It's like that and like this and like that and uh. It's like this and like that and like this and uh.

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Because of my so called "commercial attitude" towards relationships and because I would be willing to end the marriage for reasons other than abuse or abandonment (I don't remember if abandonment was the 2nd one, but I remember there being two reasons that are "legitimate" in the church's eyes).  If it started looking anything like the relationship between my parents, yeah......


Emphasis on the words "so called".  Every decision we make can be reduced to a "so called" commercial attitude - in fact, St. Paul says in 1 Cor. that if there is no resurrection, then our faith is in vain. 


On the other hand......


Your statement about being willing to end a marriage is of concern.  Although the Church can tolerate civil divorce if necessary to protect legal rights (see CCC 2383), that does not mean you can remarry nor does it guarantee an annulment.  In additon to what Jesus and St. Paul taught about divorce, read the section on divorce in the CCC 2382-2386. 


However, based on what you have posted in the past, you appear to be identifying those things that may cause you stress in a marriage and avoiding potential spouses that may cause you such stress.  So don't let anyone use "fuzzy theology" in an effort to lay a guilt trip on you in order to try to bully you into marrying someone incompatible.

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Why get married?

Because being alone is lonely, depressing and unfulfilling, married life is the opposite

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