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Why Get Married


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Let me get this straight you want to argue with God?
Are you sure that's a good idea :whine:

I argue with God all the time.
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I argue with God all the time.

Isn't that what got Eve into trouble in the first place? Disagreeing with God
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Just a Skosh

Isn't that what got Eve into trouble in the first place? Disagreeing with God


No, what got Eve into trouble was doing something that God told her not to do.

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Religion in Marriage Statistics   Percent of married women who say religion is very important 60.1 % Percent of married men who say religion is very important 50.9 % Percent of married women who say religion is not important 36.3 % Percent of married men who say religion is not important 35.4 %



US Marriage Statistics Data Annual number of U.S. marriages 2,077,000 Marriage rate 6.8 per 1,000 Divorce rate 3.4 per 1,000 Percent Currently Married by Race and Sex Percent Married White Men 44 % White Women 51 % Black Men 32 % Black Women 26 % Hispanic Men 43 % Hispanic Women 45 %


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think birth control effects marriage because people think marriage is all about raising children and not also a deepening of the relationship between a man and a women. No children = no need for marriage in the modern eye. Also i think people don't really like to deepen any kind of relationship now days if it is these days, sun baking on the side of the pool is far less an effort than learning how to swim in the deep end. Thing is if you learn how to swim in the deep end you can get on the diving board and do mad flips and stuff. :)

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also if the divorce rate is only 3.4 % according to that statistic than that's way good, why the tripping out over the divorce rate in the U.S, 3.4% is a major minority.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Marriage rate 6.8 per 1,000  of that 6.8  Divorce.   the divorce rate  is 3.4 per 1,000 of the people who get married or 68 (per 1000) people get hitched or the other way of looking at it  932 don't bother with marriage at all,  so of the 68 (per 1000) that marry 2.32 end up in divorce.   so 932 don't marry + 2.32 divorce making a grand total of 934.32 per 1000 dont marry?



divided by 2 :hehe2:

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it seams like most young couples today don't care or are afraid to commit.


how has birth-control damaged families and the institution of holy matrimony?


waiting until marriage to fornacate is just a old Fashion notion

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Some can't afford the delivery cost , Giving birth can cost 10 to 20 grand if your an unwed mother Medicaid flips the bill
On the other hand , some couples who both working each have health insurance from their employer will be covered whether they are married or not
Birth control denigrates intimency to cheap meaningless uncommitted relationship

Any thoughts?

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Credo in Deum

Some can't afford the delivery cost , Giving birth can cost 10 to 20 grand if your an unwed mother Medicaid flips the bill
On the other hand , some couples who both working each have health insurance from their employer will be covered whether they are married or not
Birth control denigrates intimency to cheap meaningless uncommitted relationship

Any thoughts?


Yes, we can blame contraception, the economic situation, effeminate men, and so forth.  However, the real enemies to the Sacrament of Marriage are the married Catholics who do not live their Faith and their vows.   When we make our vows to God, in any vocation, what are we proclaiming?  We are proclaiming that we believe that God can and will supply the grace to make these vocations work.  God will supply the graces needed to make the marriage work in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, in good times and in bad, until death do you part.   Are you afraid to have kids because of economic reasons?  God will take care of you!  Are you afraid to have children because of society and the culture of sin that is so prevalent in the world today?  God will take care of you!  Be not afraid!  Read Matthew 6:25-34!


When priests do not live their vows, they do the worst amount of damage to the priesthood.  When religious brothers, sisters, and friars do not live their vows they do the worst amount of damage to religious life.  Likewise when married people do not live their vows they are responsible for doing the worst amount of damage to this vocation.  

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Some can't afford the delivery cost , Giving birth can cost 10 to 20 grand if your an unwed mother Medicaid flips the bill
On the other hand , some couples who both working each have health insurance from their employer will be covered whether they are married or not
Birth control denigrates intimency to cheap meaningless uncommitted relationship

Any thoughts?


Unwed mothers are not automatically covered by Medicaid. The qualifications are different in every state, but if you're anywhere near the poverty line, you probably don't qualify.


For that matter, even when maternity care is covered, there can easily be $3,000+ in deductibles and copays.

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Also if the divorce rate is only 3.4 % according to that statistic than that's way good, why the tripping out over the divorce rate in the U.S, 3.4% is a major minority.


Those were not percentages. Every year, 6.8 out of every 1,000 people get married, and 3.4 out of every 1,000 divorce. That's exactly in line with the well known 50% divorce rate.

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This seems relevant to this conversation:.  




I do not necessarily agree with their approach to this conversation, focusing on the 'marriage market' as an economic exchange, but there is some food for thought in there.  

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