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Why Get Married


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I have no "beef" with the faith just the many of the false prophets who now run the church and speak for it.


This sounds like you are claiming the Pope and Magisterium are false prophets.  That is not an acceptable position for a Catholic.

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I have no "beef" with the faith just the many of the false prophets who now run the church and speak for it.

I firmly believe if Jesus were alive he would be ashamed of how the Church has acted almost since it's inception.

Real catholics question these false prophets, they don't propagate their message.

Have a little faith, Semper all is not lost
Even Peter Lost his way for a time (BTW) Edited by add
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what about love


Catholics who don't care about the theology too much don't care about marriage, since they can still have a relationship without all of the legalities.

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Catholics who don't care about the theology too much don't care about marriage, since they can still have a relationship without all of the legalities.

Sorry , I don't agree
Before I met my spouse I didn't believe in love, it seemed like a fairytale.
I was wrong!
Love is as real as the sun rising tomorrow and is undeniable .
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Nihil Obstat

Sorry , I don't agree
Before I met my spouse I didn't believe in love, it seemed like a fairytale.
I was wrong!
Love is as real as the sun rising tomorrow and is undeniable .

Then you saw her face. Now you're a believer!

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Sorry , I don't agree
Before I met my spouse I didn't believe in love, it seemed like a fairytale.
I was wrong!
Love is as real as the sun rising tomorrow and is undeniable .


I am not questioning whether or not love actually exists, because I know it does.  I'm just saying that some catholics who aren't ardent about following all the rules don't see the need for the extra legal limbo.

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I have no "beef" with the faith just the many of the false prophets who now run the church and speak for it.

I firmly believe if Jesus were alive he would be ashamed of how the Church has acted almost since it's inception.

Real catholics question these false prophets, they don't propagate their message.



lol oh man I rolled reading this, I wouldn't go so far as to call the leaders of the Catholic Church, " prophets "  , but you make a very great point in wondering how Christ would really react to the Church now or for at least modern times I dunno since Vatican I till now. Since that seems to be what people an still remember.


I am still getting a chuckle cause if you dared say such a thing on another forum ( C.A.F ) wooooo you would be in soooo much trouble.   If leaders at least in the Catholic Church can not be humble enough to admit mistakes, and be transparent enough with those they lead , and to then take appropriate action for misconduct, crimes, etc , then distrust for that leaderships starts to develop except in this case a lot more is at risk these leaders run the risk of turning people away from the " Bride of Christ ".  ( which is another rant of mine, how can the church be feminine when humanity makes up the church and the rock which was it was built upon was male, so I see no point in using that analogy and would prefer to just drop that an refer to humanity as the church or a congregation as the church ) 

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More confusion which disrupts this debate about marriage, is the Catholics, who petition the Pope, since at least the Holy Father / Saint John Paul the II  about priests marrying . I can see that being very conflicting to those not in the faith, here they are wondering why they should get married, care about marriage, debate homosexuals marrying ( which I debate myself on that topic sometimes to no end till I get a headache an say forget it )  and then bill after bill pops up on marriage, or our government over steps its bounds time an again on the issue, and then on top of that now they see how the Catholic Church is very much divided or at the very least confused or debating the issues on priests being allowed to marry.


The problem is that the Church is a Monarchy albeit a free one to enter and leave as you please, so until some kind of voting system comes into place on such matters, to debate it in the realm of the Faith is just argumentative .  Less one is honestly trying to educate another and the debate is to change someone elses' mind on the matter.

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I have no "beef" with the faith just the many of the false prophets who now run the church and speak for it.

I firmly believe if Jesus were alive he would be ashamed of how the Church has acted almost since it's inception.

Real catholics question these false prophets, they don't propagate their message.


So if "false prophets" now run the Church, who then are the true prophets, or these "real Catholics" you speak of that we should follow instead?  Nancy Pelosi?


I haven't seen anything in your posts here that differs from standard secular politically correct liberalism.

It's the same stuff you can hear from any left-wing politician, pundit, or celebrity on TV.  Not much to do with Jesus.


Simply going along with what's popular and pc and the culture is hardly much of a prophetic witness.


Besides, there's a word for people who think that the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church has got it all wrong, and they instead somehow have the "real" truth of Jesus, and it's not "Catholic."  It's "Protestant."

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So if "false prophets" now run the Church, who then are the true prophets, or these "real Catholics" you speak of that we should follow instead? Nancy Pelosi?

I think she (Semper) maybe referring to Nancy Pelosi, as an example of a false prophet. Pelosi may not run things but she is a very high profile Catholic, in America.
IE: pelosi's public statement about abortion

http://www.priestsforlife.org/magisterium/bishops/niederauer-pelosi.htm Edited by add
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