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First Discernment Retreat! Anything I Should Know?


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Hi, I'm kinda new here! I've stalked for months now.


Any who! I just booked my flight to fly up to ann arbor for Dominican Sisters Mother Mary, Of the Eucharist! I've been on a retreat with Sister Jospeh and sister Mariana! 


I've been discerning religious life for two years and this is my first step towards visiting and such.


Anyone have tips or anything I should know about discernment retreats or discernment in general???



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Spem in alium

Hi! This is wonderful. I hope you enjoy your retreat.


The main thing I've learned in my discernment is to be patient and open to love. Seek the Lord, and everything else will follow :)

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Hello, Futuresista, and welcome. I'd guess the best I could say for this is to keep your eyes open. The sisters aren't selling their order to you, nor should you try to sell yourself. Sincereity is of the utmost necessity. You're sure to find things you like and things you dislike there. Meditate on these things in your heart.


When you return, I would make an appointment to see your spiritual director as soon as you can, and lay everything about your retreat before him for his opinion, which you should always obey. If you are strongly moved in any way by what you see with the Sisters, you might want to ask his opinion about working through The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. In my experience, working through these before any great decision is most advisable.


God bless.

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Kayte Postle

Like everyone has said be open to whatever Christ has in store for you during the visit. I'd highly suggest taking a journal or notebook and make sure to write down whats going on through your mind during the retreat! This will help you as you spiritually unpack after the retreat and it's great to be able to go back to those entries.


The DSMME retreat especially is very very busy! (Be prepared to not really sleep). Since you are flying, you will get the chance to have  little longer stay and get to spend a little more one on one time with some of the sisters. I've been on one, and while the DSMME is not my community, the retreat with them helped me to grow a lot in my own discernment.

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Thaaank you guys, so much! This helps so much!
i'm honestly completely prepared to not sleep at all, chances are even if i did have the chance to sleep, i'd be stay up too excited about everything/thinking about the day. Back in January with the DSSMES I probably slept 4 hours. I'll be flying in earlier Friday morning, like 11 am, i think. So im really hoping i'll get to go up to the mother house and get the tour! 


Hi futuresister2009, I like your name too :hehe2:

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I would also suggest giving yourself time to be alone and pray during and especially after the retreat. Journaling can help too since you can write down what you felt and be able to look back over it later.

On the retreat just really try your best to be present in the moment. Discernment retreats are always a lot of fun and exciting. Enjoy yourself! I haven't been on a DSMME retreat but I have heard they are wonderful.

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Hi! On my first retreat weekend, I met a "veteran" of the DSMME retreat, and when she found out that's where I hoped to go next, she just said, "Its INTENSE." (She was a verrrry quiet, reserved soul.) :rotfl2:


Some things that were wonderful about the DSMME weekend was their emphasis on getting to Confession on Saturday (for a 140 women, this took 5 hours total, seriously!), and spending time in Adoration (everyone tried to take a one-hour shift). It wasn't until that weekend that I felt comfortable going to Confession at least once a month; before, I'd just felt guilty for taking everyone's time if I didn't have a mortal sin, or at least a significant venial sin. (I'm a convert, so for the first year, I would randomly think of *possible* mortal sins that I hadn't remembered for First Confession, and I'd bring them as I thought of them even though I knew they were already absolved.)


Oh, and the pizza was good.

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Note your questions as they occur to you - you may not get the opportunity to ask them on the retreat but having a reminder of them later will be useful.


Enjoy and be open.......

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And if you get an answer to a question that you noted, write the answer down. You may not remember the answer later!

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This actually has been such a help, I have a tendency to be scatter brained, especially when i'm excited. I never would have thought of any of this!! I've been on retreats before and I have regretted not journaling, I was never really sure how to, but i started watching everyone else and have picked up on it. 

So thankful for you guys! SO many thank you's and prayers!

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Hi, I'm kinda new here! I've stalked for months now.


Any who! I just booked my flight to fly up to ann arbor for Dominican Sisters Mother Mary, Of the Eucharist! I've been on a retreat with Sister Jospeh and sister Mariana! 


I've been discerning religious life for two years and this is my first step towards visiting and such.


Anyone have tips or anything I should know about discernment retreats or discernment in general???




I have been to 5 of those Dsmme retreats!



I can tell you many retreat stories but I don't want to hijack this thread.



Like the time I had a nosebleed at my 2nd retreat.




And many phatmassers still can't believe I am not a dsmme.

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If this is only your first retreat, I would go to the list of questions posted elsewhere on VS and pick some of the most general (application process, education requirements and initial training, charism, daily life.)  If you continue to be drawn to this community, plan another retreat, ask more questions from the list and get to know them better.  I'm not sure how old you are but if you are still in high school, I would look on the retreat as a general inquiry.  This community accepts girls right from high school and, in my opinion, that's too young (don't everyone jump on me for saying that - yes, I know St Therese joined Carmel at 15) but in this day and age, I just think it's too young and the persistency rates suggest I am right.   In any event, relax, enjoy the experience and see how you feel a month - 2 months 6 months later.

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Hi Futuresista! :welcome:


Good to know that there will be another phatmasser attending the soon approaching retreat! I am so excited!!!! :woot: :w00t:


This is my first time going on any type of discernment retreat as well! Don't know what to expect so I am glad that this thread came up.


Any advice on controlling nerves and excitement for the days right before it?

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