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Brandee... a lot of us care about you, and some of us (well, at least one Anne Line that I know about!) aren't on Facebook, and haven't a clue what had been going on.  And now we know what to pray about!  :hug:    


I know sometimes here on Phatmass you had a tough time, and I'm sorry that happened.  it also sounds like you have had a lot of really really REALLY bad experiences the last few years.   But as Maximillion pointed out (and several others as well) you need to forgive yourself and give yourself some time and space to put those into context and heal.  And not be afraid of being hurt by people again.  Which is a lot easier said than done!  But we will pray for you.


No one is damaged goods in the eyes of God.  Or maybe all of us are, maybe a better way of looking at it.  ALL of us have been wounded, hurt, addicted, shamed... and all of us are still God's beloved.   And therein is the mystery... and the mystery that Satan can't figure out and that makes him mean and grumpy.   How COULD it be that "God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."?   Only a truly mad God, one mad with love for us, could do such a radical thing.  Allow Him to radically love you, Brandee....


If you haven't already done so, think about asking to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.   For the graces you need to really heal....


And if you want to PM me, feel free..... and I .. and we...  will continue to pray for you.  Stay in contact....

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Brandee,  actually, a lot of bad stuff has happened to a lot of people here.  You just might not know about it because it's only discussed via PM's, but my guess is that you have more in common with many people here and that more of us can relate to some of your experiences than you realize.  Anyways, try to relax, hang in there, ignore the bad and take the good that you get here.

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I can't really say much. Just know that you are loved, you are not damaged goods. God wants you to come to Him, He wants to heal you. Prayers for you, Brandee.


Edit: Also, you're not alone.

Edited by FutureCarmeliteClaire
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Don't' think of yourself as damaged goods. Think of yourself as a wounded warrior.


We are all just wounded warriors in the army of the Lord.

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You are correct, dear Brandi, you are indeed damaged goods.  Sin damages and even destroys the supernatural life of grace, Gods' own life, within us.  But, this is precisely why Our Lord Jesus Christ became man and died a cruel death-to restore us to our original innocence, our original beauty and to give us the chance to attain heaven forever.  He will not do this for us without our consent.  We must choose to allow Him to be the physician of our broken lives, the damaged goods that we've become, by renouncing sin.  Once we decide to do this, there will be a battle, but we must resolve to keep trying and eventually we will win the victory because God will not fail to help us. You know what to do.  I will pray for you to have the courage you need.

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'For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God'.


We're all damaged goods.


As the above poster noted, we have a Way, the Jesus Way, back to wholeness.

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Sister Marie

I knew she was too young


Why would you write something like this when anyone can see that this person is in pain?  What constructive contribution did this comment make to the healing and consolation of your sister?  What Christian value is there in an "I told you so"?


I think you should look back and pray over your recent comments on vocation station.  Pain can make us become people we don't actually want to be.  We are all broken in some way and that includes you and it includes me and none of us like our pain or our sinfulness or our defects lorded over us.  Being "right" about something certainly doesn't take away your humanity especially when being "right" hurts someone else.  


I hope you can deal with your own feelings of rejection and sadness in a healthy way so that you can truly be the person God is calling you to be.  I don't think if you reread your recent comments, including this one, that you will feel that this is how God is calling you to live as his disciple.


Praying for you.

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I agree with the people who say some stillness is the best thing at this time.  Spiritual reading and prayer and maybe reading about the lives of the saints.  Not thinking all the time  what you should do next.  After a turbulent period in life I think it's best to be calm and not to go rushing into anything but just wait and pray.  

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Brandee, it seems to me that you have a generous heart and a burning enthusiasm to do your best and live fully for Jesus. But there is a very fine line between having that enthusiasm and being too impulsive. I have also struggled with impulsive behaviour in the past - jumping into things without really thinking them through, especially if I'm feeling anxious or upset about something. This can lead to problems. It's not always easy to sort out enthusiasm from impulsiveness, and the best way, as others have suggested, is stillness. Some time for you and for God. "Watch and pray," as Jesus said to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane.


I suggest that you make a regular timetable for prayer (a simple one, nothing too heavy-duty). It could just be pausing to pray a slow reverent Our Father and to take a few moments for silent meditation at different points in your day. Give yourself some routine and structure, and remember that you can comfort and love the heart of Jesus through all the activities of your daily life - keep saying little prayers of offering as you do things, such as, "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you". This may help you to find your feet again. I will be praying for you. :)

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