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Starting Your Own Order?


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Hey guys its me I know it has been forever since I last posted on here :( but for you guys that are friends with me on facebook you know what has been going on in my life (CRAZY!) I just wanted to ask a question. a little bit of an update mmmm well I am about to go in to job corps to get my CNA license and some other stuff has happen but im not gonna tell you guys everything because sometimes people on here can be soooo mean!!!! Ok back to my question ok.....Has anyone started a Religious Order that honors the Sacred Heart in everyway??? that's in the U.S.? RIGHT.....I didn't think so... When I get out of Job Corps I want to start my own Order. I know its easyer said then done but REALLY! do we have any Oders in the U.S. that honors His Heart that are Cloistered NO! I mean it maybe be a hard road but come on why is there not a order like this OUT THERE! I know I would like to join one.


What do you guys think?

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They're not strictly cloistered, but these Sisters: http://www.sistersofreparation.org/


Then there's the Visitation (St. Margaret Mary's order)


I don't know of any existing, cloistered or contemplative community which doesn't have a great devotion to the Sacred Heart.


Hey guys its me I know it has been forever since I last posted on here :( but for you guys that are friends with me on facebook you know what has been going on in my life (CRAZY!) I just wanted to ask a question. a little bit of an update mmmm well I am about to go in to job corps to get my CNA license and some other stuff has happen but im not gonna tell you guys everything because sometimes people on here can be soooo mean!!!! Ok back to my question ok.....Has anyone started a Religious Order that honors the Sacred Heart in everyway??? that's in the U.S.? RIGHT.....I didn't think so... When I get out of Job Corps I want to start my own Order. I know its easyer said then done but REALLY! do we have any Oders in the U.S. that honors His Heart that are Cloistered NO! I mean it maybe be a hard road but come on why is there not a order like this OUT THERE! I know I would like to join one.


What do you guys think?


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Right and I have looked at them but I keep thinking why do I have to settle for an order when I want to give more! Oh I don't know maybe I am just venting to you guys but its a good vent I think :)

They're not strictly cloistered, but these Sisters: http://www.sistersofreparation.org/


Then there's the Visitation (St. Margaret Mary's order)


I don't know of any existing, cloistered or contemplative community which doesn't have a great devotion to the Sacred Heart.


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Totally Franciscan

Carmelite15, so good to hear from you.  Almost every day I wonder how you are doing, so it is wonderful to see you posting again.  In your own good time, I would suggest you discuss this with your spiritual director.  If you have one, great.  If not, perhaps a SD would be able to help you along this route.  There are so many canonical aspects to starting an order, but it is not impossible.  I wish you the best in whatever you do. 

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I think I may have found one that is at least semi-contemplative AND they are recognized on the local diocesan website where they live in Portland, OR:




An article about them:



Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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Correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you just engaged to be married?

Which would mean, if I have it right, that you were visiting Carmel, then got engaged, then got unengaged, all in less than year. Now back to religious life and even founding an order? It's too much, dear heart, you are steaming too fast ahead. Slow down and let God teach you in the moment.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you just engaged to be married?

Which would mean, if I have it right, that you were visiting Carmel, then got engaged, then got unengaged, all in less than year. Now back to religious life and even founding an order? It's too much, dear heart, you are steaming too fast ahead. Slow down and let God teach you in the moment.


If this is indeed true, I agree with lilllabettt's advice.  It is much too soon to consider religious life again if you just ended an engagement.  I'd recommend focusing on getting your emotions under control and your life on track.  You don't need to rush things at this juncture.  You have plenty of time to figure things out.  Prayers!

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Consecratus Deo

Dear Carmelite15

why do you want to start your own convent? Do you have religious Experience? But especially to heal the wounded sacred of Our Lord Jesus Christ, it happens through the Holy Tridentine Mass. The Tridentine Mass heals his wounded Sacred Heart and by healing his Sacred Heart, also the Society gets healed and Souls be saved. Above all, it pleased God :-) The devotion of the Divine and pierced Heart of Jesus Christ is SO IMPORTANT!  When you want to start a convent I wish you all the Blessings of God. I desire also to start a Convent, with the same Interests like you. God bless You. :cupid: Laudetur Jesus Christus  


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Correct me if I'm wrong, weren't you just engaged to be married?

Which would mean, if I have it right, that you were visiting Carmel, then got engaged, then got unengaged, all in less than year. Now back to religious life and even founding an order? It's too much, dear heart, you are steaming too fast ahead. Slow down and let God teach you in the moment.


[mod]Language. -dUSt[/mod]

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Edited by moderator: Language. -cmaD2006



Brandee, your behavior is disturbing to me.  No one said we don't care about what happens to you at all.  We were just saying that it might be best if you wait.  That's horrible that you had those things happen to you but you need to work things out before jumping into discernment again.  I also said that you were in my prayers.  If I truly didn't care about what happened to you, I wouldn't say that. 

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Consecratus Deo

There is no reason to hate your life!!! It hurts God. Remember, God has given you l yourself, therefore, your life is very precious. Its a breath of God.

We belong to God and God has given us our Life, our Soul, and ourselves, that means we need to take care of us, even treat us well and we have to love us! Do we love us?!

Do we love ourselves completely, even with our past and with all our errors and weaken?

Not in the form of not correct egoism but in the form of : to be good with ourselves, and with the criticism of us . "To have the desire to live and  to find life beautiful, even if we had committed sins, that's love !" God has first loved us, he has sacrificed his only-begotten Son for us so that we are not unhappy and without hopes and dreams, but happy in the Lord, accepting us , forgiving us. He our redeemer loves us!

There are some beautiful and valuable writings of Romano Guardini about it ..  We belong to God!

And when Jesus Christ died for all my sins as well as yours, we should not love and not hate us but thank God for his forgiveness and new life. He gives us always a second chance! After each confession the Lord gives us a new opportunity ! A new LIFE! FORGET THE PAST AND EVERYBODY HAS TO FORGET YOUR PAST!

God wants you! We can hate the sins but we have to love us and our Life, no matter how it was. Its not a sin, to love our self and to be kindly to us.

When we give up we'd give up Christ. So be brave and continue to knock on the Heart of Jesus. I find it nice that you are interested in religious life, this is your way of being embrace from your beloved Jesus Christ. Keep it up :-) God is with you!  :saint2:

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Consecratus Deo

A correction:

I didn´t mean: "And when Jesus Christ died for all my sins as well as yours, we should NOT LOVE and not hate us but thank God for his forgiveness and new life. He gives us always a second chance!" But I mean: we "SHOULD love us"! (and not we schould NOT love us).




THESE WORDS ARE SO TRUE! This divine heart is an abyss filled with all blessings, and into the poor should submerge all their needs. It is an abyss of joy in which all of us can immerse our sorrows. It is an abyss of lowliness to counteract our foolishness, an abyss of mercy for the wretched, an abyss of love to meet our every need. -- Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque


Set your trust in the Divine Heart of Jesus and be good to your self, you're worthy to be loved, therefor Christ gave his life for you.



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Edited by moderator: Language. -cmaD2006



things happen in life, dear. you are not the stuff that has happened to you. It's just stuff. In the future when you tell this part of your story other people will hear violins swelling in the background.  No kidding :) You just need a minute to let the ship right itself. 


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Brandee I don't know you but I promise you that when I read your post about what's happened to you these last couple of years, at no point did I judge you.  I honestly feel badly that all of this happened to you and it seems that you want to drastically change your life because you are upset with the path you went down but slow down.  I know the feeling (and I'm guessing a lot of PMers do too) of getting frustrated with a situation and then trying to rush to fix it and overcompensating.


While I'm sure that God wants to lead you down a new path, He also knows that you're human (after all He created you) and that your humanity makes you weak and vulnerable sometimes.  I'm no spiritual director but for whatever it's worth, I'd like to give you some advice.  Take some time off from discerning marriage or religious life and simply discern what God wants you to do on a day to day basis.  Spend time with Him in adoration.  Go to confession.  Right now you need to let God help you heal from your sins and the sins committed against you.  Pray a rosary, read scripture, or just spend time in silence with Him.  If you're meant to found a religious Order, I'm sure one day it will happen but if you try to rush into it, I don't think it will last.  And please allow yourself to breathe for a moment.  I also would like to say that I'm happy to lend an ear if you ever want to talk.

Edited by Kateri89
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Why don't you forgive yourself and give yourself a chance?


Isn't that what you would say to someone who told you a story like your own?


My advice, for what it is worth - I agree with the above poster. Stop rushing about, find out what it is that is driving you and why you feel so driven in almost everything you do (it comes over very strongly), and go into a little silence. There you will meet God and maybe find out who you really are and what plans HE has for you.


I wish you well, and pray for you.

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