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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Dominican Sisters Of The Most Holy Rosary, Hawaii Region


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Ladies you may consider them as well;



and one of the articles from one of the sisters:

When parents come to the school office and say that they don’t have the money to send their children to a Catholic school, that they cannot afford it, or maybe they just lost their jobs, I assure them that we will try to work together to find a way. Money should not be the issue on whether to send or not send a child to a Catholic school. If the school does not provide assistance, help or support, we will lose more students who cannot afford the wealth beyond measure in a Catholic education.


Kudos to Sr Cecilia:

"Imagine, what would the church be like if the parishioners could not see the little children attending daily Mass? What would happen in the future of the church if these little ones did not grow up to become active adult members because they lacked the Catholic exposure in grade school? Here and now, the little children are happily singing, reading and participating in the Mass. As they mature, their faith will develop because we have lived what we have preached and planted the good seeds of faith and God’s abundant blessings in them."

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Oh my goodness! I've seen these sisters at my parish in Hawaii! They are great teachers. I wish I spent more time with them! But, yes, the parish is right across the street and it is beautiful!! 

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