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Please...many Questions


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I will propose a question to all Militants and Faithful, Scholars and Clergy here, for the sake of clarification and explaination. I would like all to feel welcome in their replies to this, K?

Do you feel in any way strange or wrong about using the name Jesus, as opposed to the name Yeheshua?
Why or Why not?
Do you see a problem using one or the other?

I just want everyone's opinion on this, so I guess we could include everyone on that question.



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i see nothing wrong with using Jesus, i use it because it is the Name under which everyone recognizes my Lord.

in prayer i sometimes like to use Yeheshua, i donno i just like it. But i use Jesus in prayer as well.

It annoys me when ppl use Yeheshua as if that's what He SHOULD be called and anyone calling Him Jesus is wrong, but i do like to speak of Him as Yeheshua sometimes, just as I like to speak of Him as Iesus sometimes and pray in Latin. Ancient languages are cool, and sometimes they can feel more sacred to someone because it's on a whole other level of understanding. That doesn't mean "Jesus" is wrong and it doesn't mean "Yeheshua" is wrong, but everyone recognizes Him as Jesus, so call Him by the Name He is recognized by by the people.

Pax Iesus Christum

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I agree.

Although I dont speak any other language other that English, I do at times refer to Jesus as Yeheshua, especially after seeing "The Passion".

Therefore I see no difference, nor should anyone else. God knows what is in my heart, as well as everyone elses. He knows my love for Him comes first.
I truly believe that if God thought that for one moment that the Church was blasphemizing his name in any way, He would have set it straight a long, long time ago.

That being said, with all this research I am doing into His Sacred Name, it still doesnt change one thing.

As any serious scholar SHOULD know his name and meaning of it, I have made this point time and again with many that to limit God to a name such as Yahweh or Elohim, Adonai, El, El Shaddai, we limit Him..period. That is why we call Him God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. This does not limit He who is unlimited, He who is the Alpha and the Omega, He who is infinite. After all...HE IS.


Edited by Quietfire
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I am praying for you in this battle you're fighting. It is obvious to me that this person who has influenced your sister is a TOTAL KOOK! The two "evidence" books sound suspect by their very titles, and the obscurantism of his/her "explanations" is indicative of either malice or weirdness (or possibly both). The quotes you've posted remind me so much of a few different "Father Brown" stories by G.K. Chesterton, where they make up obscure new religions...

(hmmm...maybe I'll try to hunt a couple of titles for you--they might help!)

It seems like anyone with sense (that includes you, of course) would be able to accept the definition of names by the obvious fact that different languages pronounce things differently (as Aloysius so succinctly stated in regards to Jean/John). After all, some languages don't even share SOUNDS with others, so DUH it wouldn't sound the same!

I'm praying that your sister would be led by the light of truth, that you would have patience and strength to do what needs to be done to get to her, and that the influence of this "mysterious" person would be broken.

I'm impressed by everyone who took the time to work on this thread; it made my head spin from the beginning!! :wacko:

Oh yes, and I've never had any problem with the name "Jesus". "Yeshua" or the equivalent is cool, but I've always thought of them as the same, with "Jesus" being the English version. After all, French people pronounce his name "yay-zoo" (I think it's spelled "Jesu") and Spanish-speakers pronounce it "hay-soos" or close to that...

Jesus knows when we're talking about him. :)


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I am still encouraging everyone to submit information here. After all, this is how I am learning right now.

I continue to thank God for Phatmass on a daily basis.

[quote](hmmm...maybe I'll try to hunt a couple of titles for you--they might help!)[/quote]

By all means MG. I welcome any and all information. Just call me a sponge!!!!

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Is God any less God if we call him Elohim [Master of the Universe, Genesis 1:1] or Yahweh [Lord God, Genesis 2:2]?

This is the same type of argument.

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This may sound stupid, but if we get Jesus from the Hebrew for Joshua...why do we not call him Joshua?

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[quote]Is God any less God if we call him Elohim [Master of the Universe, Genesis 1:1] or Yahweh [Lord God, Genesis 2:2[/quote]

Absolutely not! Yet it's interesting that your words are "Is GOD...

Elohim is Creator. I read a book a while back on all the different names of God (some of which I already typed above) and I walked away noticing that all the time it was "GOD is Elohim, GOD is Yahweh etc...." and I kept thinking "Yeh, thats GOD. He is everywhere, everything. You know..GOD."
I think I've even stated on other threads that Yahweh is my Elohim. GOD is my creator.

Each of his names has a meaning, really. It didnt change my view of GOD, but rather I understood more that you can actually use all His names and still be talking to him, or you may call him GOD.

When I stated that it could somehow limit GOD, I should have been more specific. When we use GOD we do not limit, we understand that HE is everything.

I'll see if I can get the book back, I loaned it out. It was really cool.


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The story I was thinking of is called "The Eye of Apollo", found in _The Innocence of Father Brown_, by G.K. Chesterton. I know there are more; if I find them, I'll pass them along.

Here's a link:

[url="http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Gilbert_K_Chesterton/The_Innocence_of_Father_Brown/The_Eye_of_Apollo_p1.html"]The Eye of Apollo[/url]

If that doesn't work, just type "Eye of Apollo" and "Chesterton" together in a search engine, and there are several other places to access it online.


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How odd, MG, that there are striking similarities there.

I wonder if I posted this on the other site, would my sis get the point?
I doubt it.

Thank you though, it was good reading.


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Hey i couldnt help it but here is kind of a kewl example...My name is William in English....but lets say the germans picked up on my name it would b Villhelm (not exact but sounds like that) and then if the french take my name it would be Guyhomme so its funny how names change according to different languages and Jesus' name is really no different.

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Totally agree with that Will.

I tried to explain that to this person.

Now...any info on the name Saphira? (Acts 5)
I've already given some info on the person who shares that name. I would be interested to find if there are any other similarities.


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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote]The -us is a give away. LOL![/quote]

Dont mind me.
Iacobus made this quote in Open Mic and I immediately thought of my thread on the name of Jesus and figured I'd add it here to help me.

In Latin a man's name would end in 'us'. A woman's would end in 'a'. Well, that kills the whole 'sus' thing that this person argued about. Things are looking a bit less foggy when I see that.

But now to put it all together to form some kind of coherant arguement.

Now why didnt he put that in this thread when I originally posted it?


Peace :peace:

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