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Inner Peace--and Discernment!

Pia Jesu

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Recently had a priest ask me when--in my life--have I felt inner peace.  I actually hesitated in answering,

wondering whether or not happiness was a factor (not really, since it's transitory, I thought).  Was it during times of chaos or stress?  Was it at the moment of making a decision?  Was it in a quiet, dark

chapel--at prayer--in the glow of the sanctuary lamp?  Sure would be interested in hearing about the role it played (or is playing!) during the discernment of one's life-direction!

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So what did you tell him? :) (I'm gonna grapple with this question for awhile myself,lol)


After several minutes of absolute silence, I said, "Father, I'm going to have to think about that."  And believe me, it has provoked a lot of thought ever since.  Thank goodness that St. Paul writes in Phil

4:7 that God's peace "is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand."  But, I do think it comes to us (through grace) when we truly trust in Him.  It would seem to be outside of circumstance or even our thinking about the circumstance (if that makes sense).  A friend told me she felt supernaturally peaceful after a serious car accident.  I felt just at peace dusting our long, novitiate hallway as I did kneeling in front of that dim, candlelit tabernacle.  Fr. Gallagher's podcast on discernment will hopefully

provide more insight...!





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...that is beautiful, Pia Jesu. :) I would tell him just that...

Edited by brandelynmarie
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Oh I by no means believe that inner peace comes at any special moments....in fact my own experience is the opposite.


It has come to me in those snatched moments in crisis when there is a sudden silence, when I can clutch my Rosary in my pocket and make a sheer act of faith...then peace descends and I know all is as He  wants it to be. 


I often find myself repeating with Bl Julian of Norwich 'all is well, and all is well, and all manner of things shall be well'. My breathing slows and wherever I am or what the circs then I know it truly is well.


And yes, those long afternoon hours in the convent when a deeper hush seems to fall over the entire place and I know we are all where we need to be and doing what is right for us to be doing - whether shelling peas or lectio.


Deep contentment is how I would characterise peace, and peace in discernment is knowing that whatever the outcome I am making the effort to follow where I believe the Spirit leads me, even if I misunderstand and take a little detour occasionally in the process.

ALL things work together for those that love the Lord....even if I occasionally end up somewhere other than where I expected.

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I've had several moments of inner peace. The first major one was right after I received my first Eucharist. I just remember feeling this absolute stillness, no words were needed.

Other times have been when I was facing a difficult situation and after I had prayed I felt this calm/peace come over me.

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I thank God for being in the company of such remarkable "posters" -- each somewhat different, yet all united in the precious gift

of loving Him.  Each of you offers a deep and personal message and insight (which I so-o-o-o appreciate!). :heart:



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I thank God for being in the company of such remarkable "posters" -- each somewhat different, yet all united in the precious gift

of loving Him.  Each of you offers a deep and personal message and insight (which I so-o-o-o appreciate!). :heart:

So you get inner peace when you post at Phatmass?  You should tell your spiritual director that ;)

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Not hijacking, but a prayer request for inner (and outer) peace please!!!!!  I'm crazy hysterical about flying and my entire family is flying tomorrow (Sat.) to Florida for a Disney Cruise.

I had a terrible experience flying as a chid (lost an engine, down in the crash position, etc.) and would like this to be a fairly pleasant experience for me and my grandchildren who will be watching me like a hawk  :)  I've got the  PCPA's on it, but can use all the help I can get.  Thanks in advance. You guys are great  :saint2:

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Forgive me for my ignorance but, I always thought that inner peace was something that we were suppose to have all the time. Am I wrong?

I was actually just having trouble with understanding inner peace. I know we should have a certain level of peace in our lives which comes with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our souls but does this mean there should be no restlessness in our souls for more? Or should there? And, can it be satisfied in this world?

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Forgive me for my ignorance but, I always thought that inner peace was something that we were suppose to have all the time. Am I wrong?

I was actually just having trouble with understanding inner peace. I know we should have a certain level of peace in our lives which comes with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our souls but does this mean there should be no restlessness in our souls for more? Or should there? And, can it be satisfied in this world?

You bring up a lot of topics and "Inner peace"by itself could mean a lot of things depending on how it's used... I'd start by listening to the podcasts below to get an idea of some more precise terminology and descriptions for the most common applications in spirituality.  As for restlessness, St Augustine said our hearts will always be restless til they rest in Him... Listen to the first few podcasts, I think a lot of your questions will be answered.


I'm sure you've seen these, but "inner peace" sounds a lot like "consolation" and Fr Gallagher covers the topics of spiritual consolation/desolation in his first few podcasts from his discernment of spirits book at the link below:



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I feel inner peace when I know I'm on the right path.  I've struggled with my vocation and my future career for several years and though I still don't know what my vocation is other than what I'm doing right now, I feel such peace because I feel as though my major in college is what I'm meant to do.  The classes have given me great insight and I'm sure that I'm headed on the right path.  This is just a stepping stone, though, because my ultimate goal is to become a Physician Assistant.  I have a passion for serving the aging community and I'm very interested in Geriatrics and Internal Medicine (Geriatrics is a subspecialty of I.M., I recently discovered).  Right now, I'm getting my Bachelor's in Health Administration with a concentration in Aging Services.  I love it!  I love my school and my professors (for the most part, LOL).


As for my vocation...well, that's on the back burner.  I'm keeping my heart open to any possibility though I really don't think I'm called to marriage because I'm not attracted to it at all.  I am still attracted a great deal to consecrated life in some form and I'm still looking at Consecrated Virginity and Secular Institutes or Secular/Third Orders.  I know I still have plenty of time to figure it out so I'm not rushing anything.  :)

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