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Bible Study


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Hi, my name is Katherine, and I am new here. I don't know where to put this, but can we start a phatmass bible study? As Lent approaches, on of the many things I want to try, as I break my netflix addiction, is to start reading the Bible more. Many of times I have found answers reading the Bible and discussing with people different verses. Maybe every so often someone can post a new Bible verse.


Just a little bit about myself since I am new here, I just started discerning my vocation. Many of times I have heard the call, but never really responded. As Lent approaches, I am finding myself wanting to go out into the desert and start exploring my vocation more. I am in my second semester at college, so it will be many years before anything happens.


If you have any questions please ask, I love listening.

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Welcome to phatmass! You might want to check out Transmundane Lane for your Bible-exploring desires. Who knows though -- maybe VS will start one at your suggestion!


Make yourself some popcorn, this place is crazy. ;)

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