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Decline Of Marriage And Possible Solutions To Reverse The Trend


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You are merely trying to derail the conversation because you are not able to counter the factual points I made.  There is nothing wrong with being a critical thinker and evaluating an institution for yourself.  I am not the only one who has made the claim that the current  legal marital contract creates an institution centered around female privilege and male submission.  There are not many safeguards in place if one of the spouses is feeling vengeful and wants to argue every point in court just to drive up their ex's attorney fees in hopes of getting a higher out of court settlement.  Yes, women have to evaluate risk/reward, and in the case of marriage it gives them a lot of legal rights/entitlements.  So of course they will want to get married.  Using your own head to think critically about the world is a trait that should be promoted, not ridiculed.  There is already way too much collective thinking in the world today and it would do people a lot of good to form their own views and opinions rather than trying to go along with everyone else.


I'm sorry but your opinion on this entire topic is flat-out crazy.

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I'm sorry but your opinion on this entire topic is flat-out crazy.


I have seen all of these things happen in real life fyi, this is not anecdotal stuff I heard about a friend's cousin.

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You are merely trying to derail the conversation because you are not able to counter the factual points I made.  There is nothing wrong with being a critical thinker and evaluating an institution for yourself.  I am not the only one who has made the claim that the current  legal marital contract creates an institution centered around female privilege and male submission.  There are not many safeguards in place if one of the spouses is feeling vengeful and wants to argue every point in court just to drive up their ex's attorney fees in hopes of getting a higher out of court settlement.  Yes, women have to evaluate risk/reward, and in the case of marriage it gives them a lot of legal rights/entitlements.  So of course they will want to get married.  Using your own head to think critically about the world is a trait that should be promoted, not ridiculed.  There is already way too much collective thinking in the world today and it would do people a lot of good to form their own views and opinions rather than trying to go along with everyone else.


If our legal system and society are built around female dominance and male submission, why are you still talking when several women here have asked you to stop?


Checkmate, atheists.

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alimony should be awarded if the couple decides the female should stay home and raise children and forsake a career and/or an education.  


Or the other way around:


[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRGglRO1_Xs [/media]

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I have seen all of these things happen in real life fyi, this is not anecdotal stuff I heard about a friend's cousin.


But it is anecdotal. You have yet to show us statistics or any kind of research. Unless I missed it? Just stories from your personal life.

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If our legal system and society are built around female dominance and male submission, why are you still talking when several women here have asked you to stop?



LOL. At least one man knows his role!!!

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If our legal system and society are built around female dominance and male submission, why are you still talking when several women here have asked you to stop?


Checkmate, atheists.


I said the family court system is built around female dominance and male submission.  I never said anything about the legal system being absolutist one way or the other, since very rarely is anything black and white in this world.


Also, some of these last few comments are a perfect example of how males are degraded when they speak out about an injustice against them.  Your argument doesn't hold any water.

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I would love to stay and chat about how much women whip and humiliate men, but I'm off to meet up with my fiance. The poor thing, he has no idea. My plan is to divorce after 5 years and take all his money, goods, and self-worth. Including the cardboard box he'll set up in that alley on 42nd street.

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But it is anecdotal. You have yet to show us statistics or any kind of research. Unless I missed it? Just stories from your personal life.


I don't need statistics or research to know that it's a bad idea to walk barefoot on molten lava or eat food out of the garbage.  I am sure you know enough to avoid sticking your hand into a garbage dispenser.  Or do you need to see a scientific study which outlines how many people were able to get their hand out in one piece opposed to the number of people taken to the ER because  their hand was shredded off.  If I see a lot of older men around me getting divorced, moving back in with their elderly mothers, and barely scrapping by, then it's not hard to see that marriage in its current form is not such a bright idea.  I would like to be financially stable and have some money in my pocket when I die.  I'm not looking to get raped in a court room by a vengeful ex and her litigious attorney.


LOL. At least one man knows his role!!!


Lol keep dreaming and filling in the blanks with your own assumptions.  Nowhere did I say that the majority of women are out to put men in a cardboard box.  This is another reason why debates break down.  People simply fill in the blanks with their own assumptions and stretch statements far beyond their original meaning.

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Maybe the decline has something to do with the economy, many young families start out without the commitment ( of Holy matrimony) And when the baby comes along discover that your better off I not married because an unwed mother is eligible for free prenatal care, dippers, and other health services... That many can I'll afford
In this way young couples are discouraged from marriage and same sex relationships are encouraged
We do live in strange times.

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Well, Maggie did have a good point. The whole thing is very moot if you don't have a chica who digs you in the first place...

Lol nobody on here knows about my personal life to that degree and I intend to keep it that way.  I would not ask a random stranger online what position they used the first time because it's not my business.  But fyi I have been doing only a little bit of dating, not because I can't get a girl to like me, but because I am moving to another state soon for job reasons.  Hence, there would be no practical purpose for pursuing someone hardcore, because I'm not staying and I don't want a one night stand.

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Maybe the decline has something to do with the economy, many young families start out without the commitment ( of Holy matrimony) And when the baby comes along discover that your better off I not married because an unwed mother is eligible for free prenatal care, dippers, and other health services... That many can I'll afford
In this way young couples are discouraged from marriage and same sex relationships are encouraged
We do live in strange times.


Very good points, I did not think of those particular benefits but it's another perfect example of how the societal incentives are reversed.

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Well, Maggie did have a good point. The whole thing is very moot if you don't have a chica who digs you in the first place...


Actually, in a sense, it goes hand-in-hand with the title of this thread.  If a man or woman is looking to do things God's way and get married, but marriage is on the decline, that makes the task of finding a suitable spouse all the more difficult, since so many will not make themselves available for marriage, but instead be following the secular/pagan morality, or giving up on marriage altogether (such as being brainwashed by the so-called "single vocation").  The only saving grace is that there may be less competition from your own gender, provided that they don't try to act paganly with and defile someone who could be a suitable spouse for you. 

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