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Early Church Father's Letter On Consecrated Virginity?


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There was a letter that I came across before, written by an early Church Father, to consecrated virgins... he mentioned some particular things like modesty, simplicity of dress, etc. Does anyone know what I'm referring to? I can't remember the early Church Father's name or the document.... I'm wondering if anyone knows? thanks :)

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

I think you are thinking of St. Ambrose and I think the section you are referring to is in the Office for the Common of Virgins. I'll look it up.

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Just to let you know St Augustine and several other of the early church fathers wrote about consecrated virgins. 



consecrated virgin living in the world

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St. Jerome also wrote a letter in about 385 A.D.  to his dear friend, St. Eustochium, to congratulate her on becoming a consecrated virgin and to exhort her to live her vocation fervently. While I don't think we can take this letter as an exact, ready-made blueprint for how modern consecrated virgins are to live, it does give a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the consecrated virgins in late antiquity.


St. Jerome's letter 22 to St. Eustochium can be found online in an English translation here: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3001022.htm


St. Ambrose's work De Virginibus, which Sr. Mary Catharine mentioned, can also be found online in English on the same site: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3407.htm


Also, in case anyone is interested, I do have a bibliography of Church Fathers' writings on consecrated virgins on my blog, which includes all the links I was able to find: http://sponsa-christi.blogspot.it/p/church-fathers.html


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