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The Nature Of Compassion (split From Controversial)


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Well, change is hard, for all of us, and we don;t change overnight.


If I did something through pride that ended up being a massive deal in my life, I (and nearly all of us) would squirm to have to face it, and getting out of the habit of pride/self aggrandisement/judging others or whatever takes time and commitment.


Only God knows her heart and thankfully, this issue (if there has been pride involved) is between her and God.


Oh, by the way blazingstar, you don't by any chance have BPD do you?



uhhhh no.....what in the world gave you that idea?

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 Sorry, no disrespect intended, it's just that I am struck by the similarities in the way you express yourself and my best friend who does the same - almost word for word, and she has BPD.


I always joke with her about 'taking up fighting with lions' because she takes up her position in a discussion so fiercely. She says I am the only person who finds that fascinating and as a result I am her longest standing friend. Maybe because I don't take our fantastic discussions/arguments too personally. Maybe because I too am a say what you think type too. We go at it hammer and tongs, but I do love how she will absolutely fight her corner. If she takes up an issue on behalf of others she really sees it through, even though she may leave a few fallen by the wayside at the end!


She calls me out because I constantly go on at her about compassion.....I guess I have my pet themes too!


Hope you didn't mind me asking.

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I'm glad you can be a friend to her.


I explained before why I'm a bit jaded.  I work with persons like the blogger and it gets old, frustrating and really redundant really fast.  The level of hand-holding I must do is shameful, considering the age range I work with.  I have found the most compassionate thing I can do is not give into the ever deepening "woe is me" culture and the my life is so horrible stories that have now turned into a competitive sport.  It can take years but I am often able to get students to the point where they are able to understand that they are the only ones who control their decisions, and that if they feel unduly influenced by something they have to change that.


To many young adults, girls especally, have the white knight sindrome.  This is not only about the men in their lives but about any problem.  They expect if they were hurt, or had hurt feelings to be rescued and given things handed to them.


So I don't necessarily argue myself into a corrner, but I do feel that a certain level of "compassion" called for by people in the previous thread is unwarranted.

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Which people in this thread strike you as particularly holy? Lol.


Certainly it ain't me ... me misses the mark by light years.  But I guess the aim is to try, right? :)

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Which people in this thread strike you as particularly holy? Lol.


Holy Moly.


I think he hit the nail on the head.

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