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Poor Clares - Zusters Clarissen Eindhoven: First Years In Elshout

Julie de Sales

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Julie de Sales

I don't know if someone already posted this clip, it's fairly new, but it was recorded in 1992. Enjoy it :)



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hi everyone, i'm new here (after 2 years of lurking i decided i should finaly join)


these sisters are wonderful. so dedicated, so sweet. i visited them a couple of times last year when i was discerning the poor clares.

it's quite funny to see footage of the sisters from 20 years ago, they seem so young yet unchanged...

if you want me to i can try to translate.


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How generous of you...to offer to translate, Josephine!  Welcome to VS!


The Eindhoven Poor Clare Monastery is discussed in Rev. Alain-Marie Duboin, O.F.M.'s book, The Life and Message of

Sr. Mary of the Trinity:  Poor Clare of Jerusalem (1901-1942).  It's so interesting to read about the experiences of such

holy people in the actual places where they lived.



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Unfortunately, there only have 9 sisters. In the past 20 years, around 10 women entered, but only 2 of them stayed.

The Netherlands don't have that much catholics and vocations to the religious life are very scarce.

Their monastery is also the most "strict" one. (don't really like that word, but i think you know what I mean)

In terms of penance (the fast, bare feet) and also in their enclosure (not just grills, but also not leaving to visit family)


There is a more recent interview with their youngest sister, beaming with joy. I will try to post it soon. :)


Yet their lives are not about succes. Their lives are not about getting as much women to join. Their lives are about prayer and sacrifice for the whole world.

And witnessing to the joy that comes from following and belonging completely to God.Their precense is - I believe - very needed in my country.


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