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Back From Notting Hill Carmel


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I've been down in London for a few days - mainly to spend time with sisters of the same religious family to which my secular institute belongs, as the secular institute itself has no members in the UK, but also to visit Faith. I wasn't sure whether I would find her at home or in hospital, and thankfully she was home. Her broken ribs are still giving her a great deal of pain (which makes her asthma harder to bear, as she can't cough properly) but the painkillers are working now. She needs many prayers. Despite the pain and the asthma, she seemed in good spirits when we met and it was lovely to talk to her again. The hour in the parlour flew by. There was a mix-up at first - the extern sister directed me to the upstairs parlour, and the prioress sent Faith to the downstairs parlour, so we patiently waited for each other in separate parlours for nearly fifteen minutes. :P I nearly fell over the enclosure ledge when I leaned in to hug her, which can't have done her ribs much good, but she's an uncomplaining soul.


I had a few adventures while there - such as when I tried to get to the chapel for the Office of Readings, and was accosted vociferously by the monastery dog. My heart practically leapt from my throat, but it soon became clear that he has certain deficiencies as a guard dog. His method of dealing with strangers to the premises who turn up in the courtyard in the dark is to lick them to death and try to beat them into submission with his wagging tail. He followed me to the chapel but very obediently plopped down outside the gate, apparently realising he isn't meant to go there. When I came back out he must have got used to the idea of me, because he didn't wake up the neighbourhood again.


I don't like London any more than I ever did (and a Tube strike made it even harder to navigate!) but it's worth venturing there to see Faith. It really is true that when friends enter the monastic life you do not lose them. She is the first good friend of mine who entered a monastery (my other nun-friends were already nuns when I got to know them) but even from within Carmel she has the same presence in my life. It's odd how that works. One more reason for anyone discerning monastic life not to be afraid of at least giving it a try. :cloud9:

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Broken ribs?  I think I must have missed something.  When and how did Sr. Faith get broken ribs?


[Glad you had a good and beneficial visit, Beatitude]

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Broken ribs?  I think I must have missed something.  When and how did Sr. Faith get broken ribs?


[Glad you had a good and beneficial visit, Beatitude]


She coughed too hard, peculiar as that might sound.  :unsure: She has chronic brittle asthma that has had her in hospital very frequently over the past year or so. She came home from hospital one day and didn't even make it through the monastery door before she had a violent coughing fit that broke two ribs and had her heading back to hospital in an ambulance. Now the pain in the ribs is well-controlled with good painkillers, but she still can't cough properly without hurting them, and this is dangerous as it puts her at risk of chest infections. I am praying that she is able to make it through Lent and Easter without any more admissions - she loves Lent. Luckily she's blessed with a good respiratory consultant and GP who do everything they can to keep her home, and as I mentioned, she seems in happy spirits.

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Next time I am at the Western Wall I will put a request for a complete recovery  there.  It would help if I knew her mother's given name, but I think God can probably figure out who I mean <g>


If any Phatmasser is in contact with her, send her my regards, will you?

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Antigonos, I know her mother's name (Facebook is a useful tool!), but I can't PM it to you and I'd rather not post it publicly. Do you have an e-mail address I could use?

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Antigonos, I know her mother's name (Facebook is a useful tool!), but I can't PM it to you and I'd rather not post it publicly. Do you have an e-mail address I could use?

meir dot cnm at gmail dot com



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