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Crowning With Roses - Religious Profession


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I am not sure where this custom originated but in the PCC's, they wear a crown of white flowers for their Clothing, a crown of green leaves for first profession and the crown of Thorns for solemn profession.  White for becoming a bride of Christ, green leaves for running the race and fighting the good fight, and the crown of thorns for dying with and to Christ.

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The Dominicans have them choose between roses and thorns. In some communities it is expected that you would pick thorns for the novice crowning. Some will have roses for final profession. This is entirely dependent on the community itself and not the entire order.

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My research indicates it comes from the custom of virgins dedicating/consecrating themselves to God and as a sign of their status as "brides" of Christ, this is a fitting adornment. As a nun (and I could only find nuns in this category), at solemn vows, the crown of thorns indicates the bride is fully committed to her husband and shares His life and redeeming death fully. Again, my research shows that this only pertains to the congregations that use the bridal imagery that many communities no longer use.

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Okay, so I was n the convent years and years ago, and the Nuns had only just given up doing the whole bridal thing, which I never saw.


When I was Clothed, the crown was bestowed last of all.


It was blessed then my MN held it above my head as Father Celebrant said "Receive this Crown,as a symbol of your bridal, virginal state. May the Queen of Heaven, Mary our Holy Mother, ever keep you close, guide and protect you, and may you recollect from this day your Holy union with the Divine Bridegroom. Amen"

It was then lowered onto my head and pinned by Mother, who leaned forward, kissed me on the cheek and said, "Welcome my daughter."


So, as far as I can figure, it must have been connected to the time they did have a full bridal ceremony (though we didn't receive the C of V. )

There was never a question of it being a crown of thorns, not in my community anyways. I think it is one of those things that very much depends on the customs and traditions of each individual community.


Oh and as regards the dummies book, if we ever do it, this is why we will have to be careful to be very generic in our approach, emphasising that every community is different.

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