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An Old School Catholic Message Board

New Postulant For Poor Clare Colletines


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Ancilla Domini

She was also a member on here, for a short time.  I don't remember her name, though.  :(


Phoenix's name on Phatmass is PoorClareHopeful. She's a friend of mine. :) I'm going to miss her. =(

Edited by Ancilla Domini
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Ancilla Domini

If you go on the New Catholic Generation Facebook page, there's a picture of her as an aspirant. (although the caption says postulant.) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=582772515145657&set=a.331896790233232.75742.322720991150812&type=1&stream_ref=10


Oh, thank you SO much for sharing that picture, AMP!!!! I really wanted a picture of her! :)


She looks so happy. =) And I really like the postulant/aspirant habit! =)

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