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Two New Franciscan Communities


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I found a couple of new communities  just the other day.Both are devoted to Our Sorrowful Mother.

One is the Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. They are in Nebraska  I believe and wear a blue habit and black veil.They are a small community of about 3 sisters.

Then there is the Franciscan Sisters of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother.They were founded in 1988 at Franciscan University. They really are growing. So if you have a devotion to Our Blessed Lady they might be communities to peak your interest.

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Thanks for posting the links to these two communities!  It was so interesting to read that the Franciscan Sisters (Toronto, Ohio) fast on bread and water, or other minor food, twice a week.  Their explanation was quite compelling--and I wondered if other religious orders formally practice it.  I believe it was St. Augustine that said, "Do you wish your prayer to fly toward God?  Give it two wings:  fasting and almsgiving."  Given the ministries that the sisters have, fasting certainly doesn't seem to be an end in itself--but instead a prayerful

turning away from self toward others--and God!

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