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Dummies Guide To Entering The Convent


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I agree with what Lil'Nun said about keeping it as geographically 'neutral' as possible. 


So ideas for chapters that come to mind, some based on simpler work I've already done:


About Religious Life




3. Orders & Spiritualities (about various religious 'families', different Rules, )

4. Active/Apostolic (different apostolates, approaches to apostolic life, etc.)

5. Contemplative/Monastic (approaches to monasticism, the cloister, etc.)

6.Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours


Discerning & Advice



2. FAQs

3. Orders & Spiritualities (short summary, how to find where you fit, etc.)

4. Stages of formation (what are the stages, generally how long, etc.)

5. The Vows (evangelical counsels, extra vows, etc.)

6. Discernment Advice (spiritual direction, resources, finding a community, etc.)

7. Questions to Ask Communities (we had a thread on this a while ago)


Just a quick few ideas!

Edited by EmilyAnn
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Bookmarked it.


Okay, so let's get serious.


I will do an intro to Cloistered life.

Can we start some threads for FAQ's?


Who wants to undertake what and how will we edit/decide/agree on content?


If peeps want to pm me I am willing to share my email so we can do some behind the scenes stuff. Also I am not terribly technical with IT stuff so be patient with me!


Is someone willing to collate those threads we already have on VS? MaterMisericords resources, the threads on questions and answers.


How to tell people.

How to approach a community.

A couple of sample 'lists' for entry requirements.

Documentation prior to entry (visa's included) Tests, exams etc..

This is all stuff that is on VS in various places already. Can peeps note here what they are doing to let others know so we don't have repetition.

Thanks so much.

I really do think we can do this.

Prayers for the project.......

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I agree with maximillion, we can do this! I like the thought of almost doing a trilogy (or a book in three sections, since they would cross-reference) - about the religious life, discerning the religious life and entering religious life. I know I didn't include an entering section in my chapter list but I never got that far so I don't know much about the application and entering parts. Perhaps those with more knowledge than me could do a chapter list for that...if they don't mind!


Maybe if we can confirm who is willing to write and who is willing to maybe do research in VS but not write, and assign chapters to save too many people working on one thing and leaving another bit out?  Some of the long-time VSers will know right where to find resources! 


Offers to Write





Offers to Research

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Ancilla Domini

I agree with maximillion, we can do this! I like the thought of almost doing a trilogy (or a book in three sections, since they would cross-reference) - about the religious life, discerning the religious life and entering religious life. I know I didn't include an entering section in my chapter list but I never got that far so I don't know much about the application and entering parts. Perhaps those with more knowledge than me could do a chapter list for that...if they don't mind!


Maybe if we can confirm who is willing to write and who is willing to maybe do research in VS but not write, and assign chapters to save too many people working on one thing and leaving another bit out?  Some of the long-time VSers will know right where to find resources! 


Offers to Write





Offers to Research


Offers to Write




Ancilla Domini


Offers to Research


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I really wish I had the time to help contribute.  I have so much schoolwork since I'm a full-time student.  I have 3 homework assignments just for this weekend alone and I'm preparing for a Latin midterm AND a group presentation within the next week or two.  I love to research but I'm short on time lately.  I can't even attend a mandatory EMHC meeting this weekend.  :(

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I didn't think my help would really get us anywhere since I am a 14 year old with only the knowledge of phatmass. But I can help read and review it! I like to read!

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I didn't think my help would really get us anywhere since I am a 14 year old with only the knowledge of phatmass. But I can help read and review it! I like to read!


Input from all is more than welcome, especially the views and ideas of someone so early on in their journey! :bravo:

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I don't know if I would know enough to write much.... But if I could help edit writing I'd be glad to, or other non-writing help. (I'm pretty used to writing and editing stuff in college, so that's one thing I think I would be able to do.) Working documents together too, if that needs to be done. What do you mean by research? I have loads on my plate right now, so I need a specific statement. If something isn't too hard or is far enough in the future that my life will have settled down (in a few weeks things will be much better), I'll consider it.

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Any more offers? Even if you can contribute just a small section, you'll be contributing hugely to the success of this project and I really do think we can make this happen! 




Offers to Write




Ancilla Domini


Offers to Research



Other Help



Christina, research would probably primarily be seeking out the most helpful threads in VS for a specific topic - we'd need writer-researcher pairs really. The reason I think we need researchers is that VS is HUGE - I've found when using it for my blog work that just FINDING the information is a task in and of itself, without even collating it into something coherent.


Editing is again another thing that it might be helpful to have, so you could always be an additional help for some editing if you don't feel you have time for research. ANY help with this will be so useful, and we will probably want to try to keep things concise. 

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Spem in alium

I'd love to help, but am similar to Christina. I probably don't know enough to write a lot and will not have a lot of spare time over the next little while.


I could definitely edit, though, as I do it a lot through uni and work. I could help with research too if needed :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with what Lil'Nun said about keeping it as geographically 'neutral' as possible. 


So ideas for chapters that come to mind, some based on simpler work I've already done:


About Religious Life




3. Orders & Spiritualities (about various religious 'families', different Rules, )

4. Active/Apostolic (different apostolates, approaches to apostolic life, etc.)

5. Contemplative/Monastic (approaches to monasticism, the cloister, etc.)

6.Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours


Discerning & Advice



2. FAQs

3. Orders & Spiritualities (short summary, how to find where you fit, etc.)

4. Stages of formation (what are the stages, generally how long, etc.)

5. The Vows (evangelical counsels, extra vows, etc.)

6. Discernment Advice (spiritual direction, resources, finding a community, etc.)

7. Questions to Ask Communities (we had a thread on this a while ago)


Just a quick few ideas!



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  • 2 weeks later...

How to tell your parents

1. Leave for the monastery and place a tear stained letter on the doorstep of your former home
2. Remark casually at the dinner table
3. Dad, I'm going to elope with drug addict and never contact you again.Jk! I'm becoming a nun!
4. Marrying men is too mainstream.....I want to marry Jesus

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Greetings! Here is what I saved from other posts in the past!

Spiritual Practices

Prayer & Liturgy
What is the main form of liturgy that is celebrated?
Is their liturgy in the vernacular or in Latin (or both)?
Do they have both forms of the Mass? How often are each celebrated?
Do they have a daily Mass?
If not, how often is Mass celebrated? How often are they able to receive the Eucharist?
How often does the community pray together?
What form does their prayer take? Divine Office, Morning and Evening prayer, etc.
Do they have regular Adoration?
Do they pray the Rosary together?
Is there any other communal prayer that may take place?
How often is there time for private prayer?
Do they observe any periods of silence?
Is Lectio Divina practiced or encouraged?

Charism and Spirituality
What vows do they take?
Do they take an ‘extra’ vow? What is it, and what role does it play in their life?
What is their understanding of each of their vows?
How do they live out the charism of their founder/foundress?
Have they ever undergone a reformation? If so, why and how did it impact the community?
How did they incorporate the spirit of Vatican II (if applicable)? In what ways did they change?
Have their constitutions ever changed? If so, how and why?
What forms of penance do they practice?
Do they practice fasting? How often?
Do they practice corporal penances? What and how?
Will you have access to a regular confessor or spiritual director?
Will you be able to seek direction from someone outside/not directly connected to the community?

Entrance and Formation

What is the process of application like?
What experience of the life and community is given before entrance?
Do you need to take a psychological exam? Will you be expected to pay for this?
Do you need a medical exam? Will you be expected to pay for this?
What references will you need?
Any other aspects of application?
What requirements or restrictions are there for potential applicants?
Educational level - do they require a degree or just to have completed compulsory schooling?
Do they have any age limits, either upper or lower?
Any other requirements or restrictions?

What is the process of formation?
How long are the various stages of formation?
How is one ‘eased’ into the life? What adjustments are made for new entrants?
Are some stages variable? What affects this?
Where might formation take place? (if applicable)
Do members change their name? What input does one have in their name?
What schooling or academic study is undertaken?
How does the community handle it if someone in formation wishes to leave?
What if they were asked to leave? How would this be handled?
What help would the community offer you in leaving?
What is the ‘dropout’ rate of those who enter?
What would happen if you became seriously ill during formation (either before or after temporary vows)?

What sort of financial responsibilities are there?
Is there a dowry? How much is it?
Do you need to provide your own medical insurance during formation?
Are there any other costs you will need to take care of?
Will you be expected to pay for psychological or medical tests at entrance?
How does the community provide for itself?
Do they rely on donations and benefactors?
What source(s) of income do they have?

Communications and Contacts

How often do you communicate with friends and family?
How often may you receive letters from family? How often may you write to them?
How often may you receive letters from friends? How often may you write to them?
Is your correspondence read by your superior?
Are there any other restrictions?
Do they have good relations with the community they live in?
How do they interact with them?

How often do you get home visits (if applicable)?
When do these home visits typically occur?
Are exceptions or changes made if a family member is sick or dying?
Are there any other restrictions?
How often do you get visits from friends and family?
How often may family visit? Would exceptions be made if a close relative was sick or dying?
How often may friends visit? Are you allowed visits from single opposite-sex friends?
Are there any other restrictions?

Apostolate and Work

What is their main apostolate (if applicable)?
If they have multiple apostolates, how are assignments given?
Do you you have any input in your assignment?
Are they politically active?
Would you potentially move between houses of an order or go to another country?
Would you have any input in where you went?

Work (not an outside apostolate)
What form does their work (not outside apostolate) take?
How are work assignments given?
Do you have any input in your work assignment?
How do they balance work and prayer in their life?
How do they actively live the corporal works of mercy?
Do they offer hospitality to others?
What form does this take?


Do they wear a habit or distinctive garb?
Has this changed at any point? Why or why not?
How do they feel their garb reflects their way of life?
If you have a special talent or hobby (music, arts, etc.), would you be allowed to continue it or would you be asked to give it up?
How is the community governed?
How is it organised?
In the case of a living founder, is there any body that has a voice?
How are problems within the community dealt with?
If you felt you needed therapy or counselling of any kind, would that be allowed? Would it be seen as a weakness or a problem

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