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I'm Becoming A Sister! Any Advice?


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...August 15th per chance?



I mean if one were to August, that's the date to do it, no? It's not every day you get a solemnity! :P

Edited by domenica_therese
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Prayers for your discernment. 


I'm already semi-in as far as formation is concerned, and I have formal commitments with a particular community. I have just applied to the next stage of formation and I am waiting on the congregation to have a council meeting before I find out what the next steps are. In the mean time, I will be back in the convent for another live-in starting next week. 


As far as advice is concerned, stay faithful to your prayers and be attentive to the Holy Spirit, who will guide you and lead you. As much as possible, continue to go to daily Mass and, if you can, Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Keep regular contact with the community you are discerning with and let them know any questions and concerns you may have, as well as how you are doing. Usually if there is a dowry, I would imagine the community would tell you about that. Ask them if you are not sure. Be aware that it is common practice to have a medical and psychological tests too, so be prepared to be asked to go for those at some stage, whether before or during your formation process. It is nothing to be afraid of, rather just to check you are fit enough mentally and physically to take on the responsibilities you may have to undertake while living the Religious Life. 


If you would like to join in our Vocations Chat Group Sessions on Tuesday evenings 8-9pm (UK time - so you need to check your time zone) then please just send us an invite: http://facebook.com/groups/vocations.chat


For more information and resources etc, see my blog: The Vocation Operation - http://vocationoperation.blogspot.com


With love and prayer,

Kim Lee xxx

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