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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Unmarried Couples And Openness To Life

An Historian

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on my phone now so I'll be brief.

yes you hit what I'm saying spot on. contraceptive intercourse is actually more disordered than fornication. What is so incredibly sad is how much marriage has been destroyed by contraception.

I would also say a one night stand is more disordered than an engaged couple the night before their wedding. again both are grave matter and could result in eternal damnation though, so neither can be taken lightly

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So you're arguing that sex in itself has to be open to life? 


Yes, that's what the Church teaches.  Contraception is wrong because it deliberately thwarts the procreative potential of the act.  


Interesting discussion, not to add more stuff to the discussion, but what exactly was the story with condoms and AIDS? Shame on me, but I no longer recall what the outcome was of that particular kerfuffle.


Obviously a couple having extramarital or gay sex is not on the right wave length... but they can use condoms to prevent transmission of the disease? Or not? Was using the condom not really an extra sin in that case? Or NOT using the condom was the extra sin (because it endangered others)? Then again how not-Christian of us to be "counting" sins for lack of a better word.


again I can't remember what the bottom line was. And how would you apply it with this conversation?



Using a condom during a sodomitic act does not make the sodomy anymore sinful than it already is, as there is obviously no contraception involved.  Sodomy is by its nature not a procreative act, but a perversion of the sexual facilities.

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