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Doctrine,dogma And Suggested Things.

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Greetings bretheren, sympathiesers and others may the love of Christ teach you all truth. ( i love saying these greetings makes me feel so st paulie. :) )


So a thread got down about laymen instructung other lay bretheren and i had to explain myself a bit clearer but also thought it may be a good thing to debate about of what does a lay catholic christian have to do and believe to be considered a lay catholic christian and not in schism or a heretic.


So these are my very basic understandings on what is and what isn't a good lay christian. I was thinking that the holy roman catholic church outside of religious orders only has a few actual rules, we are very free, nations perhaps have more actual rules than the holy roman catholic church. What i mean by this is we have some actual rules like going to holy mass on sundays and other days of holy obligation, going to confession at least once a year, perhaps the infallible matters of faith and morals which as far as i'm aware are only several. So there are few commands but many suggested things, the suggested things some strongly advised, some moderately advised and some just lightly advised. Let me put these thoughts into a picture for all.


Lets say your playing a computer game, to complete the game you don't usually have to collect all the coins, you don't have to do all the secret areas, you don't even have to kill all the enemies to complete computer games. These are things you can do but don't have to do to complete the game, perhaps these things make the game easier, more fun or assure the completion of the game and many other things but not absolutely necessary for the completion of the game. I'm thinking this computer game analogy is a bad example and of course the suggested things are also important parts of the richness of faith in the holy roman catholic church and not just for fun but hoopefully i have made some sense to someone somewhere whether i'm right or wrong, please correct me if i'm wrong because there is right and wrong you know. But also anyone else please, what is the churches minimum requirements for faith if there is any, and what are all your personal minimums ?


Onward christian souls.


Jesus is LORD.



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I will some it up in this simple question " what is your understanding as to what is the minimum requirements for calling oneself a christian member of the holy roman catholic church? "

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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