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Walk For Life West Coast

Dominican Nuns Menlo Park

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Dominican Nuns Menlo Park


We invite everyone to join thousands of our brothers and sisters in prayer at the 10th Annual Walk for Life which will take place on Saturday, January 25th, at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco at 12:30 p.m.

We encourage you to join with our Bishops in prayer and sacrifice for the protection of human life.  You can go here to read the reflection for each day and to make some sacrifices or acts of reparation to help end the injustice of abortion.


The evening before the Walk for Life West Coast, the Sisters of Life will host their annual Prayer Vigil for Life on Friday January 24th, 5:00 p.m. at St. Dominic Church in San Francisco, which includes Vespers and Mass followed by Benediction celebrated by Bishop Thomas Daly of San Jose. This year, twelve of the Sisters will be with us on the West Coast, including Mother Agnes Donovan, SV who has been a past Walk For Life Rally Speaker.




As soon as the Sisters came to the West Coast for this Walk For Life event, they wasted no time in visiting the students at Stanford University to give talks on prayer. They also came to our chapel to visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. We had the joy of visiting with the Sisters in the parlor and shared with each other our mission and the bliss of a life of prayer.


The Sisters of Life are a contemplative / active religious community of women founded in 1991 by Cardinal John O’Connor for the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life.

They assist pregnant women by providing them an opportunity to be nurtured as they live with the Sisters in one of their convents. They also offer seminars and retreats including post-abortion Hope and Healing retreats for men and women who have experienced the suffering of abortion. If you or someone you know are in need of the Sisters' services and assistance, or wish to learn more about the Sisters, or desire to help support the Sisters in their work and effort of building a culture of life, please contact or visit them at:


toll free: 866.575.0075


 God our Creator, 

we give thanks to you, 

who alone have the power to impart the breath of life 

as you form each of us in our mother's womb;

grant, we pray,

 that we, whom you have made stewards of creation, 

may remain faithful to this sacred trust 

constant in safeguarding the dignity of every human life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from the Collect of Wednesday Mass

Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children)


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