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That's like saying all Priests have no authority becuase some are child-rapists, drug addicts, thieves, liars and con-artists.  


I think there's a difference between being ordained by God and being given a title by the Government.

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I think there's a difference between being ordained by God and being given a title by the Government.

:o What a radical notion!

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That's like saying all Priests have no authority becuase some are child-rapists, drug addicts, thieves, liars and con-artists.  

I did not mention a chain of causation, but I will now. The reason police don't have any more authority than anyone else because they're ordinary people. You have the authority to protect life and property, just like a police officer. You have no authority to make someone stop and submit to you because you think they might have done something wrong. Nor do the police. Even if all police were wonderful human beings, they would not possess any authority beyond that afforded every other human being. All of those special powers police allegedly possess are mere legal fictions. I obey them only because I don't wish to be beaten or thrown in a cage. I oversimplified. I also will cooperate when I feel it's in the interests of order. When I was much younger, I was walking through my neighborhood and was stopped by an officer called to investigate someone running through backyards. He asked me some questions, took me to the caller's house to see if it was me. It wasn't, and he let me go. I had no moral obligation to submit to any of this, nor did the officer possess any authority to make me, although he certainly would have initiated violence against me if I had told him I wasn't going to stick around. 

Legal powers =/= authority. At one time, people had the legal power to own slaves. However, they never possessed the authority. 




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So reptilian could just mean slime ball or someone who seems to be a bit iffy perhaps a fake a fraud a con artist selling hear we go ' snake oil' there's another reptile plug, and please understand i am not saying president obama is any of these, i know nothing of the guy but i do disagree with what i heard is his pro abortion stance. It could have been her type of descriptive language or the descriptive language of her part of the community at the time, is that what is meant by 'literary device used by the author' ? 

Hello! Here is a link to a Wikipedia page that might be a helpful start in understanding Reptilian humanoids, or Lizard People:



Reptilians are a shape-shifting race that is trying to take political control of our world by appearing human, according to this conspiracy theory.

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Hello! Here is a link to a Wikipedia page that might be a helpful start in understanding Reptilian humanoids, or Lizard People:



Reptilians are a shape-shifting race that is trying to take political control of our world by appearing human, according to this conspiracy theory.


This is not a conspiracy theory. Demons can and do move a conscience of an individual. Why do you do an examination of conscience? For example if a politician, and they do consent to mortal sin very easily, consent to an immoral theory which he proclaims to be true. That’ it, that person has fallen into sin already, and they are under the power of demons. Their manifestation has increased in the last few years do to high degree of perversion and dumbing down and because we are close to the end times. People are so dumb now that even if there are short visible signs of possession, demons will hide behind the reptilian conspiracy theory.   


The reptilian phenomena could be just a means by which they hide or confuse. By confusion I mean they introducing yet another “belief” system. Demons can shape shift. They do so during exorcisms; there are visible signs on the possessed person. This is just another way of keeping the simple minded believe into aliens, Annunaki, Nibiru and all the other nonsense. It supplements them with a camouflage. People don’t believe in God and demons, so why would they not invent a new belief system to hide their appearances behind it?


They can move a writer to write something. That writer does not believe in God and demons, so he will just write it down without thinking who is moving his imagination and memory. Watch how demons manifest themselves in movie scripts that become real movies; Watch the whole video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIdbiRsRdYs&list=PLEC33B5ABA492363F


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Maybe the lizard people are working for the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, in league with the stone cutters, which are under the supervision of the reverse vampires.... We're through the looking glass here people!!!

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Maybe the lizard people are working for the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, in league with the stone cutters, which are under the supervision of the reverse vampires.... We're through the looking glass here people!!!

Something something Halliburton something something Rothschild.
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

to shape shift requires an about face, or say when a con artist is exposed by the person being conned than there is a shift in the story,game plan or even location of the reptilian snake oil dealer. For real though it's true, Shape shifting, a real twist to a mythical beast. And unsure if demons can appear in human form like the angels, is there any holy scripture to support this or sacred tradition. I have heard of demons being able to manifest like sounds and even move objects but not appear as human although they can posses a human. Demonic forces are indeed at work in the world, is the whole world enslaved by it? I doubt that. Although most hearts are deceived and the mind is dull/dark are they possesed and working for the devil, i don't really think so. 2nd coming and the mark of the beast and those whom do not recieve will be put to death, come get me i'm already half dead to the world and myself, once i fully die i will become fully alive in christ. :reaper: What does the book of the apocalypse say? I think most whom bow down to the beast if the book of the apocalypse is a prophecy about actual happenings and not some spiritual revelation, i don't think even think all those whom temporarily bow down to the beast will be unforgiven without hope, i also think the book of revelations says that only the beast, the false prophet, the anti christ and the army of the anti christ will be cast into the eternal fires of damnation. And the number given of the army of the anti christ is 100,000 which when the book of the apocalypse was written was a large number but probably not even half of the roman legions/army. Just my thoughts and opinions, to be taken with a grain of salt.


God bless.

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to shape shift requires an about face, or say when a con artist is exposed by the person being conned than there is a shift in the story,game plan or even location of the reptilian snake oil dealer. For real though it's true, Shape shifting, a real twist to a mythical beast. And unsure if demons can appear in human form like the angels, is there any holy scripture to support this or sacred tradition. I have heard of demons being able to manifest like sounds and even move objects but not appear as human although they can posses a human. Demonic forces are indeed at work in the world, is the whole world enslaved by it? I doubt that. Although most hearts are deceived and the mind is dull/dark are they possesed and working for the devil, i don't really think so. 2nd coming and the mark of the beast and those whom do not recieve will be put to death, come get me i'm already half dead to the world and myself, once i fully die i will become fully alive in christ. :reaper: What does the book of the apocalypse say? I think most whom bow down to the beast if the book of the apocalypse is a prophecy about actual happenings and not some spiritual revelation, i don't think even think all those whom temporarily bow down to the beast will be unforgiven without hope, i also think the book of revelations says that only the beast, the false prophet, the anti christ and the army of the anti christ will be cast into the eternal fires of damnation. And the number given of the army of the anti christ is 100,000 which when the book of the apocalypse was written was a large number but probably not even half of the roman legions/army. Just my thoughts and opinions, to be taken with a grain of salt.


God bless.


Yes there is lots of cases where demons appeared. They visibly came and beat St. Padre Pio. St. Gemma saw a demon flying through the window with her diary I believe and St. Therese of Liseux also saw them. St. Anthony of the desert demon encounters are most terrifying. There is bunch of others. Even in the Gospel there is a demoniac.


Now they are more experienced and the world does not believe in them so a better way of controlling us is simply with temptations and other demonic influences. They don’t need publicity. After all they have angelic intellects and they are not going to make a visible appearance or dance for you.


Edited by Julian
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Maybe the lizard people are working for the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, in league with the stone cutters, which are under the supervision of the reverse vampires.... We're through the looking glass here people!!!


False Catholic Joe Biden who I think receives the sacraments sacrilegiously disagrees with you. He entered one of his meditative states. He is being instructed on new policies by his high positioned friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX0VKD1vick&list=PLDAD3939118740580&index=4


And how about a false Catholic who also I think receives the sacraments sacrilegiously. The two of them are a one, two punch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibeku0FGO20&list=PLDAD3939118740580


Watch Beyonce neck: http://www.whale.to/c/satanism666.html


They have something in common with serial killers












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This video is good:



It is not working but this one should. Fast forward to 0.10 sec.



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Julian, you never responded to my question.


What question. I don't feel good today. I forgot my YouTube password. I need to open new YouTube account, transfer all the videos and add new ones. I need to download 1000 movies and videos and this is going to take me a long time. I need 100 dollars to buy 2 TB hard drive and a new RICH Catholic friend willing to help and a servant to follow my instructions and orders.

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