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Why Is My Everything...topic Locked?


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1) Phatmass has had incredible patience with you.  If you were on Catholic Answers or any other Christian message board you would of been banned by now.


2) By inferring that we, as (mostly) practing Catholics are liars and evildooers you ARE telling us what to do.  You are telling us we are sinning and must repent in our ways.


3) If you'd spent more than 10 minutes here before you spammed the heck out of a thread you yourself started, you'd notice how things go.  You make a thread, you state 2-3 facts then we get back to you with our questions


4) There are other people who have been around for a while who act like you do.  They generally post when drunk and say that all media is a sin.  They have "proof" too.  However, much like Catherine's Husband their proof is something that's logical only to them.  Correlation dosn't equil causition.


It is good you are not in charge, pheeeew

Your justice is too severe. Who would survive?

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Well obviously, the Traditional liturgies of the Church but it has been destroyed by the modernists. Jesus is condeming modernists in Valtorta's writtings.


Just to conclude, got to go. Give to each one his due!


Just in case you missed my previous post.


Bishops can't un-condemn something the Pope condemned. The Church is not a democracy. #Fact

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Well obviously, the Traditional liturgies of the Church but it has been destroyed by the modernists. Jesus is condeming modernists in Valtorta's writtings.

Just to conclude, got to go. Give to each one his due!

Do you agree then that the law of belief flows from and exists in service to the law of worship?
Where, then, can we find the doctrines of this Poem of the Man God in the traditional worship of the Holy Church?
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It is good you are not in charge, pheeeew

Your justice is too severe. Who would survive?


In a previous incarnation I was asked to be a Mod but chose not to for personal reasons.  However, even if I was, DuST would still have suspend/ban power.


We don't straight out ban people here because we like to hear them out.  However, we do ask that they play by certain rules, such as being kind and not calling us liars.

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Well obviously, the Traditional liturgies of the Church but it has been destroyed by the modernists. Jesus is condeming modernists in Valtorta's writtings.


Just to conclude, got to go. Give to each one his due!


Heavens almighty!!!  Are you going to turn this into a "my 1960 mass is the only vaild one" and claim that Vat II ruined the church?  


You do know that the Mass has undergone many changes to get to 1960...some that were considered wildy modern and horribly inconvientet....like weekly reception of the Eucharist and even, get this, pews.

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Heavens almighty!!! Are you going to turn this into a "my 1960 mass is the only vaild one" and claim that Vat II ruined the church?

You do know that the Mass has undergone many changes to get to 1960...some that were considered wildy modern and horribly inconvientet....like weekly reception of the Eucharist and even, get this, pews.

Do not detail my discussion with Julian please.
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Julian (and for other newbies on PM):

Normally on phatmass when a topic is locked, opening a new topic on the same theme is a no-no. Right now all mods have not weighed in as to whether the topic should stay locked.

I am (for now) leaving this one open, BUT I am moving it to debate table.

If we decide to keep the other thread closed we may also decide to close this one as well.

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On the positive side, that's the first time I've seen Cardinal Ottaviani's name used in a context that was not a Traditional Latin Mass vs. Novus Ordo debate.

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On the positive side, that's the first time I've seen Cardinal Ottaviani's name used in a context that was not a Traditional Latin Mass vs. Novus Ordo debate.

Really? I need to step up my game then. He was a fascinating and faithful Prince of the Church.

Also I run his FB fan page. :proud:



Its a free world.

And you are perfectly free to behave respectfully and prudently. :proud:

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And you are perfectly free to behave respectfully and prudently. :proud:


Which would include not listening to things you have to say.  You can't tell me that I can't zero in on yet another hinky part of the thread.  If it's between you and Julian then get a room.

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Which would include not listening to things you have to say.  You can't tell me that I can't zero in on yet another hinky part of the thread.  If it's between you and Julian then get a room.

Bee in your bonnet, Blazer? :proud:

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