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Why Is My Everything...topic Locked?


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What if I told you that I read a few pages and strongly believe it is not from Christ?


That's ok. That is you. But you can't tell others it is not.

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Our most sincere apologies for being daft, but could you list their names simply and clearly with links to the speaches/writings in which they said this.  You have posted quite a bit and it is my fear that it is lost.


Just click on the text it will enlarge. Scroll down to bottom of the page. http://maria-valtorta.net/

Edited by Julian
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That's ok. That is you. But you can't tell others it is not.


But you can tell others that it is?  That's because you are special, right?

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Just click on the text it will enlarge. Scroll down to bottom of the page. http://maria-valtorta.net/


Almost all of the Bishops in the 5th (?) century believed in the Arian heresy. It didn't mean it was any less a heresy. The Church is not a democracy. If it was, contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage, and consubstantiation would be approved.

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But everyone knows that if 8 lowly Bishops approve it, it overrides Papal authority. The Church is a democracy. Everyone knows that.


The Church is Theocracy that is why obedience is necessary on your part.  Bishop possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope. Pope has not condemned these Bishops so your obedience is, how do you say, wanting, incomplete.


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1) Again, who are her supporters (besides website runners, anyone with $40 annually can run a website)  Who's seal of approval does she have in the Church?

2) "all 3rd party sites are against Valtorta"  dosn't that tell you something?  Usually in the huge world of the internet you can find someone willing to verify a source

3) God, especially with the election of this newest Pope, and St. Faustina and soon to be Sts. John Paul and Mother Teresa has seemed to call people of great Mercy and love to the forefront, not those who condemned with sin.  Lets say that God has given you the burdan of preaching...just you...in recent times this message.  Why should you get the right to come on and bold size 16 "yell" at us.  Not really passing the litmus test.

4) Like it or not you are a "stranger" to us and our community.  You are not our boss, you are not our co-workers.  We don't even know you, nor do you know us.

5) You're on a message board, Julian, life isn't all that bad.  We laugh, even Jesus had a good lark with his friends


It does not matter if you know me or if I know you. The law of CHARITY obliges every person. I joke a lot…12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit…joy….I joke creatively and not offensively (sinfully) to degrade another or make him irrelevant. I think people who use such means to be funny or to explain something are dead souls lacking creativity, life and above else Grace. At work today I even joked with some co-workers even using terms such as you will go to Hell, half serious half joking but people don’t get offended because they can feel charity, concern and calling. I say this when I am alone with them. Two of my coworkers are considering going back to Church with me. I even warned one guy once he would get fired because of his inappropriate bullying at work. Today I told the girl she was going to hell, because she has perverted conscience. He apologized and both of them want to go to Church. Well she wants to, and he expressed his desire to go back in a hidden way.


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The Church is Theocracy that is why obedience is necessary on your part.  Bishop possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope. Pope has not condemned these Bishops so your obedience is, how do you say, wanting, incomplete.



Perhaps you should read this again:



By a decree of 5 January 1960, published on instructions of Pope John XXIII, the Holy Office condemned the completed work and included it in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum.



I even made the key word in big, bolded, underlined letters for you.


Condemned. Just like the Arian heresy. If your Bishop was an Arian, would you be one, too, simply because he was?

Edited by FuturePriest387
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Just click on the text it will enlarge. Scroll down to bottom of the page. http://maria-valtorta.net/


If you are talking about the bishops at the bottom of this page:




They aren't saying that the work was inspired.  They are thanking someone who sent them a copy of the text and/or informed them that they would be translating the work into Mayalayam, whatever that is. 


Even this doesn't look like an imprimatur, it looks like a Bishop saying nice things about the book.  Neither does it anywhere say it's inspired revelation:




So there's a bunch of documents available only on a biased site and the documents don't even say what the site says they do. 

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Basilisa Marie

The Church is Theocracy that is why obedience is necessary on your part.  Bishop possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope. Pope has not condemned these Bishops so your obedience is, how do you say, wanting, incomplete.



That's a bold claim, calling someone disobedient to the Church, especially for someone who's trying to get us to see that what you're promoting is good and valuable. 


I recommend not insulting us, it makes us take you even less seriously than we did before. 

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You could just read your own link and copy and paste the names of the 8 Bishops. You tend to post a million links per post, you see, so for the more dull ones among us, it might be prudent to simply type the names out.


For the more dull ones I say stop tempting me.

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The Church is Theocracy that is why obedience is necessary on your part.  Bishop possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope. Pope has not condemned these Bishops so your obedience is, how do you say, wanting, incomplete.



Catholic faithful are free to believe or not believe private revelation... You get that right?


If this has not been explicitly ruled as inspired by the proper bishop with the permission of the holy see (thus far it appears it has not) then it is disobedient to believe otherwise, and doubly disobedient to promote it as such.


You are being disobedient right now by posting this stuff on this site, Julian.  Really.

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That's a bold claim, calling someone disobedient to the Church, especially for someone who's trying to get us to see that what you're promoting is good and valuable. 


I recommend not insulting us, it makes us take you even less seriously than we did before. 


As long as it was done with self-proclaimed humility, right?


For the more dull ones I say stop tempting me.



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If the Poem of the Man God does not conform to the existing Tradition of our Holy Church and the Patristics, I want nothing to do with it. :)
Catholics must pass on what we receive, not try to add or tinker.

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For the more dull ones I say stop tempting me.


P.S. By not obeying papal authority on these matters, you're actually being the disobedient one.

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