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There are a few major problems to your previous thread.  The first being lack of support from the Catholic Church.  I, too, would like the names of the approving Bishops.


God can use many things to bring people to him.  Just because he may have used this woman to bring your family closer to Himself, dosn't mean that she in herself is good.  My uncle died a painful death of pancreatic cancer, and his (atheistic) daughter allowed her child to be baptized and is coming closer to God.  Does that mean that God would want all fathers with wayward children to die of pancreatic cancer?  No.  He brought good out of something terrible.


Second, some of your claims about Obama are just silly.  TV cameras are not accurate in depicting color as they reflect ambient light.  I know people who have met him and they've never mentioned rapid color change.  That being said there is plenty to condemn him for...just don't think it's the anti-Christ.


Third, psychology is not inherently evil.  There are many Catholic psychologists held in high regard that make use of the writings of Aquantis and others in treating those with mental illness, or simply those who are suffering.  Psychiatrists (those who give medicine) have learned to manage drugs well so that those who are suffering from brain chemistry problems can function normally and have good lives (Catherine's husband for one).   Yes, there are some bad apples, but there are also priests and bishops who are not faithful, and we don't say priesthood is bad.

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Remember almost all the bishops betrayed the Church during the English reformation. Few stayed loyal.


The were English bishops that were not faithful.  However, there was alot of "frog in hot water" where they did not know they were betraying the church due to the lack of communication at the time.  This problem also lay with England, and England only.  Though England likes to believe it is the center of the world, it is a very small place in comparison with the rest of the globe, even in the reformation times.

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First, you are quoting sites dedicated to Maria Valorta in support of Maria Valorta.  See a problem there?


Second, all 3rd party sites show clearly that the Holy See explicitly says that Valorta's writings "cannot be considered supernatural in origin."


Third, it's private revelation, we are all free to ignore it and not believe in it, however, we should only believe in it if it has Church approval, which this does not.  So the burden of proof is on you, not us, to show Church approval for these just for you to believe in it.  Even with Church approval, we are free to ignore it.


Fourth, if people can't disagree with you without being sinners, then you are engaging in the worst kind of ad hominem.


Fifth,  if you can't engage in a real discussion (ie. one that doesn't involve calling those you disagree with "sinners), then don't get made when we make the best of it by making reptile-alien jokes.  :brutebeast:


1. No problem there. These are reaserchers. Not daydreamers.

2. All third party sites are against Valtorta, so obviously they will say that.

3. Burden is on me.

Deuteronomy 18:22
Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass: that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him.

Now read a few prophecies and my proofs: http://catholicguidance.blogspot.ca/2012/02/good-books-on-exorcism-demonology-and.html

4. It is not my problem if people are proud, arrogant or what not. Beeing humble and hating sin is a virtue. Don't talk lies, perversion, bullying which comes in the form of mocking, sarcasm and the likes. These people are anti-charity and if they wish to be that around me I don’t allowed it. Even at my work I don’t allow any employees to engage in this kind of behaviour. Remember the 9 ways you participate in the sins of others?

5. You mean perfect and hidden possessions and death of the soul jokes.

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6 I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. 7 Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. 9 As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.

10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.


There is nothing addedd to the Gospels. No new teaching. That was simple.


Well yes, it is easier to answer a question when you have all the difficult bits cut out of it. Where is the Church's explicate approval of the Poem being of Heaven? Do you deny that the book/poem is about the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ? That is how I meant it was a like Gospel. It is a like Gospel, because it claims to tell the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ.

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There are a few major problems to your previous thread.  The first being lack of support from the Catholic Church.  I, too, would like the names of the approving Bishops.


God can use many things to bring people to him.  Just because he may have used this woman to bring your family closer to Himself, dosn't mean that she in herself is good.  My uncle died a painful death of pancreatic cancer, and his (atheistic) daughter allowed her child to be baptized and is coming closer to God.  Does that mean that God would want all fathers with wayward children to die of pancreatic cancer?  No.  He brought good out of something terrible.


Second, some of your claims about Obama are just silly.  TV cameras are not accurate in depicting color as they reflect ambient light.  I know people who have met him and they've never mentioned rapid color change.  That being said there is plenty to condemn him for...just don't think it's the anti-Christ.


Third, psychology is not inherently evil.  There are many Catholic psychologists held in high regard that make use of the writings of Aquantis and others in treating those with mental illness, or simply those who are suffering.  Psychiatrists (those who give medicine) have learned to manage drugs well so that those who are suffering from brain chemistry problems can function normally and have good lives (Catherine's husband for one).   Yes, there are some bad apples, but there are also priests and bishops who are not faithful, and we don't say priesthood is bad.


How many times to I have to post this? 8 Bishops are here:




regarding those reptilians and perfect possession there is plenty of link I poste or are posted under the blog title: perfect and hidden possessions:

Watch this, Joe Biden Possession:




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1. No problem there. These are reaserchers. Not daydreamers.


2. All third party sites are against Valtorta, so obviously they will say that.

3. Burden is on me.

Deuteronomy 18:22
Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass: that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him.

Now read a few prophecies and my proofs: http://catholicguidance.blogspot.ca/2012/02/good-books-on-exorcism-demonology-and.html

4. It is not my problem if people are proud, arrogant or what not. Beeing humble and hating sin is a virtue. Don't talk lies, perversion, bullying which comes in the form of mocking, sarcasm and the likes. These people are anti-charity and if they wish to be that around me I don’t allowed it. Even at my work I don’t allow any employees to engage in this kind of behaviour. Remember the 9 ways you participate in the sins of others?

5. You mean perfect and hidden possessions and death of the soul jokes.


1) Again, who are her supporters (besides website runners, anyone with $40 annually can run a website)  Who's seal of approval does she have in the Church?

2) "all 3rd party sites are against Valtorta"  dosn't that tell you something?  Usually in the huge world of the internet you can find someone willing to verify a source

3) God, especially with the election of this newest Pope, and St. Faustina and soon to be Sts. John Paul and Mother Teresa has seemed to call people of great Mercy and love to the forefront, not those who condemned with sin.  Lets say that God has given you the burdan of preaching...just you...in recent times this message.  Why should you get the right to come on and bold size 16 "yell" at us.  Not really passing the litmus test.

4) Like it or not you are a "stranger" to us and our community.  You are not our boss, you are not our co-workers.  We don't even know you, nor do you know us.

5) You're on a message board, Julian, life isn't all that bad.  We laugh, even Jesus had a good lark with his friends

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1. No problem there. These are reaserchers. Not daydreamers.

2. All third party sites are against Valtorta, so obviously they will say that.

3. Burden is on me.

Deuteronomy 18:22
Thou shalt have this sign: Whatsoever that same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, and it cometh not to pass: that thing the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath forged it by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou shalt not fear him.

Now read a few prophecies and my proofs: http://catholicguidance.blogspot.ca/2012/02/good-books-on-exorcism-demonology-and.html

4. It is not my problem if people are proud, arrogant or what not. Beeing humble and hating sin is a virtue. Don't talk lies, perversion, bullying which comes in the form of mocking, sarcasm and the likes. These people are anti-charity and if they wish to be that around me I don’t allowed it. Even at my work I don’t allow any employees to engage in this kind of behaviour. Remember the 9 ways you participate in the sins of others?

5. You mean perfect and hidden possessions and death of the soul jokes.


OK, Julian, whether you realize it or not, you are not making any sense.  It's kind of sad.  So sad that's alien jokes are no longer appropriate. 


Have fun in your own world of circular logic where everyone who disagrees with you is a lying sinner, because you are obviously right, because people like you have put up websites that say so and therefore anyone who disagrees with you, even bishops, are probably just not being faithful because there were unfaithful bishops once and you are obviously right.

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Luck? Threat? No I don't use these. I just use virutes: In this case humilty. Anger, luck, pride is for the other kind. 

I also reported and posted the facts so people can read truth and they can read people who cut her sentences in half to say she said something she in fact did not say.

These people have some serious issues. I mean why would someone state she said "this" while in fact she did not. This kind of people we call liars. For they want us to consent to temptation that they have consented to. Demon can move a judgment to conclusion which has not been truthfully or logically analyzed. This lack of truth presenting is called lying. It is also a sin against justice.

The humble don't boast their humility.

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Well yes, it is easier to answer a question when you have all the difficult bits cut out of it. Where is the Church's explicate approval of the Poem being of Heaven? Do you deny that the book/poem is about the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ? That is how I meant it was a like Gospel. It is a like Gospel, because it claims to tell the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ.


Implicit approval is the dogmatic and moral agreement with the Gospels and Church teachings. Explicit is as I already posted there is so much approval from high ranking Church officials:





And this:

Maria Valtorta's Beatification cause was accepted in the Congregation of Saints January 12, 2012. Father José Antonio Fortea Cucurull (a well-known exorcist from the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, Spain) told Michael Brown of Spirit Daily that he was informed in Rome that Maria Valtorta is up for Beatification: "Her cause was accepted in the Congregation of Saints."

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Basilisa Marie

Show me the quote. If you say something, support it. Since I am not aware of this.


John XXIII put it on the Index of Forbidden books. It's in the wikipedia page that's referenced a few times in this thread. That's a condemnation. Even though the index was abolished, the Italian conference of bishops still insisted that when her book was published, a note be inserted in the front to ensure readers knew that "visions" were not real visions but a literary device used by the author. That's also quoted in the wiki article that has been linked multiple times. 



Remember almost all the bishops betrayed the Church during the English reformation. Few stayed loyal.



Name the 8 bishops.  Until you do, I have to assume that you can't, and if you can't, it's no better than making it up. 



Look, Julian, for something to be legitimate you need two things - a call felt by the individual and a confirmation of that call by the Church. That's how the Church works. We've got the part from the individual - she felt called or chosen by God to impart these messages. But the Church's confirmation of it is at best  mixed and at worst a condemnation.  Most Catholics won't bother with anything that seems a bit odd or different if it only has at best a mixed approval from Church authority. What you're telling me about Maria isn't nearly compelling or self-evidently in line with Church tradition enough for me to ignore that at best mixed approval.  

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The humble don't boast their humility.


This is true but magnanimity and justice take precedence over the virtue of humility when necessary. Using the virtues according to need is managed and directed by the infused virtue of wisdom.

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Basilisa Marie

This is true but magnanimity and justice take precedence over the virtue of humility when necessary. Using the virtues according to need is managed and directed by the infused virtue of wisdom.


Dear, calling someone a lying sinner when they disagree with you isn't very magnanimous. 

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Implicit approval is the dogmatic and moral agreement with the Gospels and Church teachings. Explicit is as I already posted there is so much approval from high ranking Church officials:





And this:

Maria Valtorta's Beatification cause was accepted in the Congregation of Saints January 12, 2012. Father José Antonio Fortea Cucurull (a well-known exorcist from the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, Spain) told Michael Brown of Spirit Daily that he was informed in Rome that Maria Valtorta is up for Beatification: "Her cause was accepted in the Congregation of Saints."


....and why wouldn't this be on the Vatican website?  http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/csaints/


It seems to me that we know the results of last years.  Maybe Google Translate is bad but I don't see it.

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Well yes, it is easier to answer a question when you have all the difficult bits cut out of it. Where is the Church's explicate approval of the Poem being of Heaven? Do you deny that the book/poem is about the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ? That is how I meant it was a like Gospel. It is a like Gospel, because it claims to tell the life of Christ, and that it came from Christ.


Just read a few pages and then you'll know if it is from Christ and if it is about His Life.

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Just read a few pages and then you'll know if it is from Christ and if it is about His Life.


Err....and God waited until 2000 years after the Gospels were well established to teach people about His life?


Sorry, we already have all of that in a book we call the Bible.


In 2000 years of history I don't think there has been one approved apprition or writing that added to what Christ had lead the church to put in the Bible.  Why is she any different than those (very condemned) who propogate the "Book of Thomas" or others?

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