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Why Is My Everything...topic Locked?


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Jullian, the doctor's didn't teach on Christ's life and add bits in.  They looked at history and what Christ taught and how it related to modern questions.  Theology developed from the Bible, not as an additional narritive.  Add-ons to Christ's life have always been condemned.


Certainly, there were much darker times for the Church than these past few decades.  Why would God change everything now?


Wow. Look what I found. Jesus explains why??!!



There you go. Now you've got the answer. Enjoy reading.

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Wow. Look what I found. Jesus explains why??!!



There you go. Now you've got the answer. Enjoy reading.


But ... and this is important ... this is considered Private Revelation.  Which is very different from Church teaching or anything that comes down through the Magisterium.  It is also quite different saying that Jesus said something in the Sacred Scriptures (Bible).


In addition -- it is a private revelation whose approval in the Church is in doubt (as discussed earlier -- no need for rehashing).


For example:  St. Faustina -- her Diary is a private revelation that has been approved by the Church.  And yes -- at one point it was *not* approved.  But today it is.  And the devotion to Divine Mercy was even given it's own day (2nd Sunday of Easter).


It does not mean that the Church may not approve Valtorta's writings at some point.  But for now, it means caution should be exercised.  Part of that caution is that believing that "Jesus explained why" in Valorta's writings may not be a good thing to do.

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Fairly new Catholic? How new? Did you go through RCIA? Has anyone recommended any good books for you to real up on the faith? Have you checked out some of the fairly recent threads where some were recommended to others? 



No, no, not a convert. I don't know how you say, Catholic revert I think. I was a non-practising Catholic. You would not believe what I went through before my conversion and after. Long, long story and it would be a good testimony.


I think most Catholics are not in the state of Grace, they are in natural state (without grace) like gentiles and not supernatural (grace) like most traditional Catholics. I will be adding this explanation to my perfect and hidden possession and death of the soul part of my blog.


Death of the soul has 3 main groups: the first is simply the loss of grace and they make the majority, they live in the natural state. All gentiles, many Protestants and many of novus ordo Catholics live in this state. Revelation 3:16 But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. Which means they will lose grace if they are neither sinners nor serious Christians who avoid any deliberate venial sin. Many deliberate venial sins lead to mortal sin, weaken will and charity. He vomits them out of himself, grace is union with God. God does not punish them severely like the 2 other groups since they are not evil but sinful. However they will not be saved if they don’t accept all the teachings and revelations of God.  "If you believe what you like in the Gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself." St. Augustine 


God rewards them in this life so when they come before Him God will say I repaid ALL the good you did but you can’t enter into my kingdom. Usually they have one or more Capital Vices and they support one or more mortal sins as acceptable and normal. Like living together before marriage, or fornication is normal for them. Over 70% of the population fornicates or commits some other sins of impurity and some cities have more adulterers than married people who stayed loyal to each other. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers.....


I will post a few video of people that you can see the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit in the way the talk, eyes, body language; they display the 7 Gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord (wonder and awe) and then I will show you a few videos of mostly novus ordo apologetics and people. Then you can compare them.


Second group is more serious sinners. Third group make the most serious sinners and they display clear signs of emptiness, death of the soul and other demonic influence. Also this depends on the length they have been in the state of sin and the gravity of sins. I will explain this at length when I have more time. I am writing psychology and theology combination on this topic.


I think I have a way better knowledge then most Catholics. This is not pride. Many Catholic don't even know the basics. And no I don’t need any recommendations I have a collection of the best eBooks on all Catholic topics.

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FYI just watched the first few minutes of this link. This doesn't look like it is from a Catholic source.


No it is not. She is Protestant however fast forward to 04:52, there she inserted a clip from movie.

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Julian you should be a guest on Coast to Coast with Art Bell.



Good you told me. I emailed this guy, not to be on the show just emailed him the explanation of this phenomena. Their explanation of the “reptilian” phenomena is ridiculous, illogical and makes no sense, like the Jesse Ventura explanation.  Very dumb. I think I shed clear light on this topic.

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to shape shift requires an about face, or say when a con artist is exposed by the person being conned than there is a shift in the story,game plan or even location of the reptilian snake oil dealer. For real though it's true, Shape shifting, a real twist to a mythical beast. And unsure if demons can appear in human form like the angels, is there any holy scripture to support this or sacred tradition. I have heard of demons being able to manifest like sounds and even move objects but not appear as human although they can posses a human. Demonic forces are indeed at work in the world, is the whole world enslaved by it? I doubt that. Although most hearts are deceived and the mind is dull/dark are they possesed and working for the devil, i don't really think so. 2nd coming and the mark of the beast and those whom do not recieve will be put to death, come get me i'm already half dead to the world and myself, once i fully die i will become fully alive in christ. :reaper: What does the book of the apocalypse say? I think most whom bow down to the beast if the book of the apocalypse is a prophecy about actual happenings and not some spiritual revelation, i don't think even think all those whom temporarily bow down to the beast will be unforgiven without hope, i also think the book of revelations says that only the beast, the false prophet, the anti christ and the army of the anti christ will be cast into the eternal fires of damnation. And the number given of the army of the anti christ is 100,000 which when the book of the apocalypse was written was a large number but probably not even half of the roman legions/army. Just my thoughts and opinions, to be taken with a grain of salt.


God bless.


Over 60% of the population engages in all types of sins forbidden by God. So it is not thousands but millions. God can't forgive a person who does not repent. This would be against justice and God would cease to be God if He did this. Remember the two thieves dying beside Jesus? They represent the two types of people, those who repent and those who do not.

1 Corinthians 6:9


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to shape shift requires an about face, or say when a con artist is exposed by the person being conned than there is a shift in the story,game plan or even location of the reptilian snake oil dealer. For real though it's true, Shape shifting, a real twist to a mythical beast. And unsure if demons can appear in human form like the angels, is there any holy scripture to support this or sacred tradition. I have heard of demons being able to manifest like sounds and even move objects but not appear as human although they can posses a human. Demonic forces are indeed at work in the world, is the whole world enslaved by it? I doubt that. Although most hearts are deceived and the mind is dull/dark are they possesed and working for the devil, i don't really think so. 2nd coming and the mark of the beast and those whom do not recieve will be put to death, come get me i'm already half dead to the world and myself, once i fully die i will become fully alive in christ. :reaper: What does the book of the apocalypse say? I think most whom bow down to the beast if the book of the apocalypse is a prophecy about actual happenings and not some spiritual revelation, i don't think even think all those whom temporarily bow down to the beast will be unforgiven without hope, i also think the book of revelations says that only the beast, the false prophet, the anti christ and the army of the anti christ will be cast into the eternal fires of damnation. And the number given of the army of the anti christ is 100,000 which when the book of the apocalypse was written was a large number but probably not even half of the roman legions/army. Just my thoughts and opinions, to be taken with a grain of salt.


God bless.


I already mentioned a few saint to whom demons visibly manifested.

To Satanist they don not manifest, most of the are victims and Satanism is the way by which they drag their souls down to hell. They just keep them sinful.


St. Padre Pio and sulfur smell: http://www.catholictradition.org/Padre-Pio/padre-pio4b.htm




But to very high Satanists and Globalist they do, like this guy. Some kind of woman appeared to him and he smelled sulfur. I watched this video a long time ago so I am not sure if he speaks about it here or in part 1.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWoJs5nkjCM&list=PL6CC12279ACC9D965&index=2


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Very interesting, I just saw this today. Review of this movie is bad but the clip is interesting, listen:


Prudence, there are some immodest pictures and videos were this video clip is posted on YouTube. If this is for you proximate occasion to sin, avoid.


Death of the soul is the loss of grace.



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